AITA for telling my son that him and his girlfriend’s responsibilities should not fall on me?

A Redditor shares a challenging situation with her adult son, Jae, who wants to move his girlfriend, Anais, into their apartment after she faces eviction. As a widow, she has provided a supportive home environment for her children, never charging them rent to help them save for their futures.
However, she recognizes that allowing a couple to live under her roof would require a change in household dynamics. After discussing rent and responsibilities, Jae becomes enraged at her new stance, leading to a tense standoff. To explore this family dilemma further, read the original story below:
‘AITA for telling my son that him and his girlfriend’s responsibilities should not fall on me?’
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
Do you think the user was justified in changing her rules regarding rent and responsibilities with the addition of her son’s girlfriend, or should she have maintained her original stance? How would you handle a similar situation with adult children wanting to bring their partners into your home? Share your thoughts in the comments below!