AITA for telling my sister’s fiancé he should stop her from using his money to pay for her friends?

A Reddit user shared a family conflict involving her sister and her sister’s fiancé. After getting engaged, her sister reconnected with old friends, using her fiancé’s money to treat them.

Concerned that these friends were only interested in the lifestyle her sister now had, the Redditor spoke to the fiancé, suggesting he step in to prevent her from spending so much on her friends. Although the fiancé agreed, her sister found out and is now upset. Read the full story below to see how it unfolded.

‘ AITA for telling my sister’s fiancé he should stop her from using his money to pay for her friends?’

My sister pretty much had zero of her own friends until last year. She’d lost touch with her old school and university friends but they all came out of the woodwork after she got engaged to her fiancé and started portraying a certain lifestyle online.

I think my sister is just so grateful to have her old friends back that she doesn’t realise most of them only reconnected with her because they want the lifestyle she has.

Her fiancé has given her free access to his money and my sister has been using it to treat everyone around, including her so called friends. I’m worried that they’re just using her and I’ve tried talking to my sister about dialling back how much she pays for things but she finds it hard to say no when people ask her for things so it hasn’t worked as her friends aren’t shy about asking.

My husband is the person who introduced my sister to her fiancé so we know him well which is why I felt comfortable bringing the situation up to him. I suggested he should stop her from using his money to pay for her friends and he said he would speak to my sister because he agrees that most of the friends are using her.

He hasn’t cut her off or anything but he’s keeping an eye on what she’s spending money on now which he wasn’t doing before. My sister isn’t dumb so she knows it’s because I spoke to him so she’s no longer speaking to me even though I was just trying to look out for her best interest.. AITA?

Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

forgeris −  NTA, if there are people that you care about who do stupid stuff you have the right to speak about it even if it is not your business, you didn’t pressure, force, guilt, shame do anything, just conveyed information to your potential future BIL about your sisters weakness.

NOW, how they both deal with this is their own business where you have no say nor should you ever interfere nor bring it up. You informed people that you care about and let them deal with the problem however they see fit.

mason3991 −  NTA you warned your future BIL your sister was blowing his money on strangers that’s a very noble thing to do.

Wildcar_d −  NTA – wasting her time on one-sided friendships stops her from creating genuine friendships. And eventually her husband may come to resent her for this behavior. And if she loses him, she loses them so it becomes a no win situation.

Jyslina −  NTA. All the Y T A ppl are trippin. I would absolutely want to know if l this is how my hard earned money was being spent. “Mind your own business” and “stay out of other peoples relationship” is such b**lshit.

Chilling_Storm −  NTA. You didn’t demand, you suggested and your adult friend made an adult decision based on the information that you provided.

HoldFastO2 −  NTA. Sometimes we need to protect those we love from themselves. And those who would exploit them.

JMarchPineville −  NTA. Hopefully her fiance will wise up. 

RaphaFariadeJesus −  I think you did the right thing. Your sister may not see and realize it now, but maybe in the future she will if she’s smart enough to open her eyes to realize that.

I understand that deep deep down you want the relationship of her and your future BIL’s to be great, and not him creating a resentment towards her for this in the future, and you care about her because she shouldn’t hang out with these people.

I think your sister needs to find a way to love herself more, because she sounds a little bit like an insecure person if she only can keep people around her IF she has money or in this case her Fiancé.. Normally it is no ones business, but in my eyes you’re trying to protect her, and that’s what sisters should do. For me you’re NTA.

sherlocked27 −  NAH except your sister’s user friends.

KPOPforlifuu −  NTA you clearly care for her but she is too dumb to realise I hope she realises what is right or wrong before it’s too late for her.

Was the Redditor right to intervene and speak to her sister’s fiancé, or should she have stayed out of her sister’s financial choices? How would you handle the balance between protecting someone you care about and respecting their decisions? Share your thoughts below!


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