AITA For telling my sister to pay up on Christmas month?

‘Â AITA For telling my sister to pay up on Christmas month?’
My sister (F35) has a rent agreement with my mom (F59) as my mom has became the landlord due to fact she inherited my grandmas house when she passed away. My sister decided to live at this house when her husband’s friend/owner of their old house decided to kick them out for trashing his house.
(Ironically he lives next door to my grandmas house) she was taking care of our grandma that had dementia, when she passed my older sister decided to stay at the house still and would agree to pay 1k a month (This is less than what the house would be if you were to out right rent it from the actual housing district. But since my grandma had bought the house out it let my mom become the landlord) unfortunately she has not been paying rent these past months and hasn’t been paying the taxes on the house either leaving my mom who barely gets enough money as it’s to pay for the taxes.
My mom hasn’t even charged her for destruction of the house (the walls are torn to shreds, the house is a complete mess, etc) my mom has been letting her get away with this so I got mad and this is where I come in (F20) I told her “You need to starting paying rent and act like an adult, you cannot let your husband spend all your money on video games.
In reality she could kick you out. Get your s**t together”. Which caused a huge fuss and she said I was being in her business when i shouldn’t have. So am I the a**hole for sticking up for my mom?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
PhilosophicalWarPig − NTA – there’s no such thing as a Christmas break when it comes to debt, the interest accrues regardless of festivities. Just curious though, is there any particular reason your mother hasn’t raised this issue with your sister? Why did you have to step in? Is your mother okay with you getting involved? Ideal solution would be for your sister to be moved out so the property can be tenanted to someone who will pay the rent, easing your mother’s financial issues.
daringdragoon − NTA: Your sister and her shitberg husband should be kicked out. You’re a hell of a lot nicer than I would be in a similar situation.
Extension-Issue3560 − NTA…your mother needs to evict them pronto.
Medical-Captain-8347 − NTA but if your mother continues to side with your deadbeat sister (yes, not sticking up for herself is ultimately siding with the sister taking advantage), then unfortunately the only result is tension between you and your sister.
AnonAnontheAnony − NTA – obligation comes before fun.
LonelyOwl68 − NTA. Why is your sister trashing two houses in succession? She got kicked out of the one they were in, which was next door, correct? For trashing it? So how is it that she is also trashing, or has already trashed, your mother’s house, and all without noticeable consequences?
It’s really on your mother to set some boundaries and come down on your sister for her bad rental habits and lack of payment. TBH, it sounds like both she and her husband are just deadbeats who want others to pay for their lifestyle.
If your mother doesn’t feel like she can do that, she needs to give you, or someone else, authority to enforce the rental agreement and collect the rent due and possibly take steps to evict them since they have apparently trashed this house while living there. If you don’t feel like you want that responsibility, there are management companies who might take it on; I’m not really knowledgeable about real estate rentals, but it sounds like someone sure needs to step in and lay down the law.
Evicting them will be a long process, but it might be worth it in the long run if you can restore the house and get some good renters in at the going rate for your area. (Where I am, a small house would rent in the neighborhood of about $2000 to $2500 a month, at least.)
The question is not whether or not she should pay the rent she owes NOW, it’s whether she should be allowed to continue to live there after she and her husband have behaved like wild house apes. I don’t think you should worry overmuch about what your sister thinks; she has lost the right to complain after her behavior.
ProfessionalEven296 − NTA for sticking up for your mom, but your mom is TA for letting this go on. She should start eviction proceedings for non-payment of rent and destruction of property. Get the wasters out, get a letting agency involved, and get some real tenants in (the type who pay deposits and rent on time). Your mom can then have an income producing asset instead of a weight around her neck which eventually will end up sold because she can’t afford to keep it. Oh, and your sister is TA also for not paying rent.
oliviamrow − NTA. It’s not surprising that she objected to being appropriately shamed by a sister 15 years her junior, but you said what needed to be said. Unfortunately, sometimes the right message comes from a messenger that the recipient refuses to hear it from.