AITA for telling my sister she’s taking advantage of her boyfriend?

A Redditor questions if they’re in the wrong for telling their sister she’s taking advantage of her boyfriend. After three years together, with two of those living under the same roof, the sister expects her boyfriend to handle all the housework despite both of them working full-time.
Additionally, she insists he take off her shoes and massage her feet, even though she’s aware they’re often unpleasant. The Redditor feels the sister’s demands might be wearing on her boyfriend, who seems too nice to speak up. When they confronted their sister about this, she dismissed it, saying it wasn’t their business. Read the full story below for more details!
‘ AITA for telling my sister she’s taking advantage of her boyfriend?’
My sister and her boyfriend have been in a relationship for three years and lived together for two years. They’re both mid 20s and it’s the first time either has lived with a partner.
Her boyfriend is super nice and shy which is great for her, but I think she is taking advantage of him. He won’t say no to her. She has him doing all of the housework even though they both work full time. He does all of the cooking and cleaning and she basically doesn’t lift a finger at home.
She works in an office and he works from home, and she literally gets him to take her shoes off and massage her feet when she gets home from work. Sounds nice of him right? Guys, her feet reek. They always have, and she has no shame about it. She does this thing where she tries to get people to rub her feet even though she knows they’re gross.
So like good for her for finding a guy who will put up with her, but I think she is driving him away and that he is too nice to say anything about it. I told her that she needs to stop expecting so much from him. She said it’s not my business. I’m trying to help both of them. AITA?
See what others had to share with OP:
[Reddit User] − This subreddit is so inconsistent on how they judge relationships.
Huge_Event9740 − NTA. You have a right to your own opinion, as well as to say your piece and let it go. Just don’t bring it up again or worry about it anymore.
Opia_lunaris − She does this thing where she tries to get people to rub her feet even though she knows they’re gross.
I mean… have you considered that he might be into that?
keyrodi − NTA. Not a fan of “Not your relationship, not your problem” when it comes to familial relationships. You have to see the two often, see how she treats him, know in the back of your head that she’s treating him like s**t.
Not to mention, you know HIM too, and you empathize with him. And you’re also gonna be involved in any fall out too.You were fine in calling your sister out. I’d leave it at that tho.
Downtown-Claim-1608 − NTA for the advice but a little bit the AH for still bringing it up and coming here. Maybe they have a bit of a dom/sub relationship that you are not aware of. Maybe he is just submissive.
Edit – also yes, I am aware you posted yesterday from a different account as the sister in the relationship. Do the bf next! Or in the future just do a fictional story on stories.
[Reddit User] − “She works in an office and he works from home, and she literally gets him to take her shoes off and massage her feet when she gets home from work.” – dude seems like hes into being a sub for her. if he is happy with the situation, you just sound jelly. YTA
Wise_Yogurt1 − My in law family has tried telling my wife that they think she takes advantage of me. What they don’t seem to believe is that she asks very little of me, and I volunteer to do most things for her.
I’ll rub those stinky little feet whether or not she asks, I can tell they hurt after she stands on them for 12 hours straight at work.
Prestigious-End-3172 − Going to go against the grain and say NAH.There may be some sort of arrangement they have worked out as a couple to make things fair. Or maybe he dislikes the way she cleans and would prefer to do it himself.
However I don’t think you are in the wrong for voicing your opinion on the matter and to be quite frank I think a lot more people would be agreeing with you if the genders were reversed here. For now leave it. If your sisters boyfriend asks you for advice or something comes up then feel free to bring it up again.
normalizingfat − maybe it’s bdsm?