AITA for Telling My Sister She Can’t Move In With Me After Getting Pregnant?


A Reddit user (28M) faces a challenging situation when his younger sister (22F) announces her pregnancy after her boyfriend left her. Seeking independence from their parents, who she feels are being too controlling, she asks her brother if she can move into his one-bedroom apartment for support.

The user declines, explaining that he needs peace and quiet to work from home and isn’t ready for the demands of a newborn. His sister reacts angrily, accusing him of abandoning her and prioritizing his job over family.


Their parents also express disappointment, stating he should help his sister since he is in a position to do so. The user is left questioning whether he is in the wrong for refusing her request. Read the original story below for more details.


‘ AITA for Telling My Sister She Can’t Move In With Me After Getting Pregnant?’

So, this all started when my younger sister (22F) announced she was pregnant. The father of the baby is her ex, who left her as soon as she told him. She moved back in with our parents for a while but wanted to move out because she felt they were being “too controlling.” They told her she needed a job and a plan for raising the baby, which she found stressful and unfair.

She came to me (28M) asking if she could move in because she “needed space” and “a supportive environment.” Thing is, I live alone in a one-bedroom apartment, and I work from home. I told her I don’t think it would be a good idea since I need peace and quiet for my job, and, honestly, I’m not ready to have a newborn around.


When I told her no, she exploded, saying I was abandoning her and the baby, that I was “privileged” because I have my own place and she doesn’t. She called me s**fish and accused me of caring more about my “precious job” than my family.

Now, our parents are also mad at me, saying it’s just “temporary” and that I’m the only sibling with the means to help her. So, AITA for not letting her move in?


Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

DMmeNiceTitties −  NTA, if she wants to have the baby, that’s fine, but that also means she needs to step it up and raise it instead of expecting others to.

Glittering_Lunch_776 −  NTA. Alright. I’ll be blunt, everything your sister and parents are saying is b**lshit. You wanna know why? Tough. It should be obvious. Just stop trying to excuse them and think the best of them. Be brutally honest.


She moved back in with our parents for a while but wanted to move out because she felt they were being “too controlling.” They told her she needed a job and a plan for raising the baby, which she found stressful and unfair.

Here’s a freebie: she finds your parents stressful and unfair because she really wants a free ride. She wants people to fall at her feet and bestow gifts, food and drink to her because BABY! That’s the stupid moronic wish and demand going on behind her vacant vapid eyes.


Your parents? Cmon, you know why they’d get mad at you for saying no. It’s obvious! Bottom line: your family, every single last one of them are trying their damndest to take advantage of you. Do not say yes because it’s gonna be as bad as you’re worried it could be **but worse.** I guarantee it.

bythebrook88 −  that I was “privileged” because I have my own place and she doesn’t. She called me s**fish and accused me of caring more about my “precious job” than my family.


Your “precious job” is the only thing that keeps that roof over your head. The roof SHE wants to share. But you know she doesn’t care about you, or your job as long as she gets what SHE wants. It will **not** end well if she moves in. Either your parents are on her side because she is the golden child, or they want to get rid of her.. Edit: NTA, obviously.

EnvironmentalSlice46 −  NTA if this is real your sister is unhinged. Why do people think they are owed things they haven’t worked for? She has options. She can go live with her parents but she just doesn’t want to put in the work. That is a CHOICE.


You don’t owe her a living space because she CHOOSES not to be employed. Also you should care about your job. If you didn’t have it you couldn’t afford the apartment she’s trying to mooch off of.

ManagementFinal3345 −  NTA. She can get a job and live with your parents. Two non married/dating people and a baby can not fit in a one bedroom apartment. You need at least 2 if not 3 bedrooms for that. Your parents aren’t asking for anything unreasonable by expecting a pregnant adult to have a job and financially support themselves and the baby.


Your parents shouldn’t be on her side but I suspect they are because they don’t want to be stuck with an unemployed pregnant leech and two extra mouths to feed. She has a place to go she just doesn’t like the terms and conditions. If she chooses homelessness instead because she’s too lazy to work or parent her own kid that’s her choice.

It’s not an emergency. It’s entitlement and the expectation that you will fund her lazy lifestyle and her baby too by letting her live for free on your couch with no job and no way to support her infant meaning all the formula and diapers will come from your money not hers.


Icy-Bad7338 −  Quick update. I just talked to my parents, and honestly, it went worse than expected. They told me that as her sibling, I should “step up” and “do the right thing,” even though they know how hard I’ve worked to get where I am.

They keep saying it’s “temporary,” but there’s no clear plan for how long she’d stay or how things would actually work with a baby in my small apartment. It’s like they’re ignoring my own needs entirely. I want to help, but it feels like I’m being pressured to sacrifice everything I’ve built.


phyrsis −  NTA. Tell her your lease doesn’t allow more than one person (whether it’s true or not).

lurninandlurkin −  NTA. She wants to move in with you and not work without realising that your “precious job” pays to keep the roof over your head and food in the fridge.


Do not let her move in as this will be the argument she uses for every issue that will come as the child grows and things get broken so she doesnt have to pay for it, noise while your working etc. Your parents are on the right track with pushing her to get work and get used to taking care of her child, they shouldn’t be trying to push her on you.

tenetsquareapt −  No one wants that pregnant d**bass living with them. Not you, not her bf, not even your parents, so she better start asking friends or other family members.


she’s so stupid that she’s frankly a liability. no good comes from being around her. Worse is that she’s not getting an a**rtion, so this purposeful stupidity at that. NTAH. don’t let stupid bring you down, especially to their level.

Fatty_Bombur −  Perhaps your m**on sister should have thought about this before getting pregnant at 22 with no job and no plan. NTA.


Do you think the user is justified in refusing to let his sister move in during her time of need, or should he have made the sacrifice to support her and the baby? How would you handle a similar situation where family obligations and personal boundaries collide? Share your thoughts below!

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One Comment

  1. Patti Lisenbee 3 months ago

    ONE bedroom. Working from home. TWO people, one of whom is pregnant. Who is going to get the bedroom? She will. After the baby is born, where will it stay? In the living room with you, where you will be sleeping on the couch. Who will be taking care of the baby? You, as she will whine she’s tired, she’s in pain, she’s hungry, she’s bored. Her pregnancy will be a trial of her taking over more and more space. You will have to run out to buy her the snacks she craves. You will be massaging her feet. You will be her slave. Your work will suffer. You might not be able to get it all done in time like you usually do. You might lose your job, then where will you be? Do NOT give in. Do NOT take her in. Go NC with anyone who agrees with her, they’re not worth being in your life. parents just want to get rid of her freeloading body since she won’t get a job.