AITA for telling my roommates I know what kind of underwear they wear?

A Reddit user shares an awkward situation with their roommates after casually mentioning they knew what type of underwear each preferred. Despite explaining that years of living together naturally led to the observation.
The roommates found the comment creepy and uncomfortable. Now, the user questions whether they crossed a line. Read the full story below for the details and context.
‘ AITA for telling my roommates I know what kind of underwear they wear?’
So I (26m) live with two guys both my age. We have lived together for years and are close friends. We’ll call them Alex and Ben (not real names). We were going to an 80s style party and Alex wanted to show us his costume. He wore those really short workout shorts that were popular then.
Ben said he wanted to get them too and I joked he couldn’t wear them because his boxers would be longer. He said Alex was wearing them and I said yea because Alex wears the v style underwear. They both looked at me like I was out of mind.
They wanted to know how I knew that about both of them and that it was making them uncomfortable that I was bringing it up. I tried to explain my reasoning. It’s not something I actively think about but I’ve been friends with these guys for years,
we’ve changed in front of each other and I’ve seen them grab coffee before getting dressed in the morning. To me it’s no different than knowing what kinds of shirts they like to wear. I didn’t think of it but they were still cold today and they told me I was being “creepy” by doing that. I feel like an AH but I also feel like I didn’t do anything wrong.
See what others had to share with OP:
ThePhilV − If they didn’t want you to know what kind of underwear they wear, why would they walk around in common areas in only their underwear? But also, like, seems weird to bring it up out of the blue.
He was talking about a costume and suddenly you’re talking about underwear? I get you weer just making a joke but it seems weird and awkward. But now they’re holding a grudge? Y’all sound weird as f**k. But NAH. Just stop being weird.
iionreddit − NTA, if you’ve seen eachother in underwear and you’ve been friends for a long time, I feel like this is not some taboo topic that cannot be talked about or anything. You just made a joke and then they made it weird. They are overreacting imo
JizzleDizzleWizzle − This whole situation is ridiculous.
SoMuchMoreEagle − Did you not consider that he might have other (smaller) types of underwear in his drawer, but he just doesn’t wear them around you?
King_Gray_Wolf − NTA. Such a weird thing for them to be upset about. If you weren’t close or roommates, I could definitely understand some awkwardness, but like I could tell you the exact print and fabric of my college roommates’ underwear cuz we all shared a laundry room.
And I could tell you my best friend has several super slutty shiny thongs in his drawer because his wife thinks they’re the greatest things ever 🤷♂️ feel like it’s not super invasive to know
adorablegadget − NTA The comment section here is weird af. Why is men talking about their underwear such an uncomfortable thing, especially if you’re gotten dressed around each other.
HorrorHelicopter3064 − I’m torn between nta and nah. On the one hand, I don’t think you did anything wrong by noticing the type of underwear they wear, considering the fact that they’ve both been around you in just their underwear multiple times over the years.
It’s not much different from female roommates noticing each other’s style of bras and underwear when they change in front of each other or otherwise walk around in various states of undress. And best believe that girls will comment on it. Hell, I’m a dude and I’ve had girl roommates comment on my boxers before.
So, no, you’re not an ah for that. On the other hand, I don’t think they’re in the wrong to be uncomfortable with you commenting on it even if they clearly seem comfortable being around you in just their underwear. Or were, until you commented on it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they stopped changing in front of you or going into the kitchen in just underwear going forward. So, I don’t think they’re ahs for that. On the other other hand (I have three hands), I think it’s out of line for them to call you creepy and weird for it and I wonder if there might be some homophobia going on.
It seems like they might be interpreting you noticing a trend in their choice of underwear as you noticing *them* as in checking them out.
I think, for that reason, I’m gonna vote NTA.
ffunffunffun5 − Ask your roommates if saying a couple of “no homos” would make them feel better.
AngusLynch09 − Your comment is really weird. You’re also aware that people can wear different underwear to accommodate different clothing styles, right? I just really don’t get what you were trying to achieve with your comment.
irenemiau − idk if it makes anyone an AH but it’s a weird comment and they’re reasonably weirded out
Do you think the Redditor’s comment was an innocent observation stemming from familiarity, or did it cross a boundary that should have been respected? How would you handle this kind of situation with roommates or close friends? Share your thoughts and opinions below!