AITA for telling my roommate to move out because they’re constantly late on rent?

A Reddit user (25F) shares that she has been living with her roommate Claire (24F) for a year, and although they agreed to split rent and bills equally, Claire has been consistently late with her rent payments. While the user has covered for Claire several times in the past, this month Claire was late again, citing that she needed a “break” and treated herself to a trip.
After this, the user told Claire she needs to move out, as the financial stress was becoming too much. Claire reacted by crying and saying the user was being unfair, while mutual friends think the user should give her another chance. The user wonders if she’s being too harsh by asking Claire to move out. Read the full story below to see what happened!
‘ AITA for telling my roommate to move out because they’re constantly late on rent?’
I (25F) share an apartment with my roommate Claire (24F). We’ve been living together for about a year, and from the beginning, we agreed to split rent and bills equally. I’m pretty organized with money, but Claire has been late with her share of the rent almost every single month.
At first, I let it slide because I know people go through tough times. I even covered for her a few times when the landlord came asking. Claire always promised she’d pay me back “soon,” and while she eventually does, it’s weeks later and only after I remind her several times.
This month, the rent was due again, and Claire told me she couldn’t pay her half on time because she “needed a break” and treated herself to a weekend trip. That was the final straw. I told her she needs to find somewhere else to live because I can’t keep stressing about whether rent will be paid on time.
Claire started crying and said I was being unfair, that I should be more understanding, and that “friends help each other out.” Some of our mutual friends think I’m being harsh and should give her one more chance, but I’m tired of feeling financially responsible for her. AITA for telling her to move out because she can’t pay rent on time?
Check out how the community responded:
scrapqueen − NTA. Renting a space is an adult responsibility and one she doesn’t seem ready for. Treating yourself to a weekend trip when you can’t pay rent is highly immature and irresponsible. That is inexcusable. Tell your mutual friends to start covering her half of the rent if they are so sympathetic to her.
Thistime232 − NTA. For all of the friends saying she should get another chance, tell them to pay the rent for the month, and you’ll see how quickly they back off of their claims that she should have another chance.
Eastern_Condition863 − Claire needs to move back home with mommy. She’s not ready to adult. Try telling a mortgage company, “Sorry! I needed a vacation for my mental health, so my payment will be late this month. Thanks!”
Also, this friends help friends line is BS. It would be one thing if she asked you, but she’s basically co-opting your money.
RandomReddit9791 − NTA. Give her a legal written eviction notice.
Nobody_asked_me1990 − NTA. Treating yourself to a weekend trip is only acceptable when your responsibilities are already taken care of. Using that as an excuse is a clear indication that she makes s**tty financial decisions and you’re well within your rights to disconnect from that before it affects your credit.
tipsy_here − NTA. You are not responsible for Claire’s finances. Claire has to manage her finances better or move to a more affordable place.
LeaJadis − If anyone thinks you are being harsh then they should pay her rent.. You are NTAH.
Snoo-33732 − She sounds really irresponsible she’s the A**hole.
CakePhool − NTA. Tell your friends to pay her half of the rent from now on.
Bonnm42 − NTA tell the other friends “You’re going to pay her share and wait for her to pay you back! That’s so nice of you.” When they say they can’t, be like “but it’s okay for her to do this to me all the time?”