AITA for telling my roommate that the name she chose for her baby is ‘ridiculously stupid’?

A Reddit user (age and gender unspecified) is questioning if they were wrong for bluntly criticizing their roommate’s unique spelling choice for her baby’s name. The roommate, a Game of Thrones fan, wanted to name her child Arya but opted for a distinctive spelling, “Aughreighyah,” to make it stand out.
When asked for an opinion, the user said the name looked “ridiculously stupid” and suggested sticking to the original spelling. This led to tension between them. For the full details and community reactions, read the story below.
‘ AITA for telling my roommate that the name she chose for her baby is ‘ridiculously stupid’?’
My roommate (24f) is a big Game of Thrones fan. She’s pregnant with her first child right now. She decided to name her baby, ‘Arya’. When she asked my opinion of this name, I said I it was a good name with a good meaning (Arya means noble in Sanskrit),
but a lot of people have named their kids Arya/Khaleesi/Sansa because of the popularity of GoT and it might be a little too common, not that it is a bad thing. The next day, which was yesterday, she said she’s found a way to name her baby ‘Arya’ and not have it be associated with other Aryas running around or the show. How?
She said she wanted to spell it as *Aughreighyah*. I did a double take reading that word too, but apparently people are supposed to read it as Augh-reigh-ya or Arya. She asked me how I felt about it and I told her that, frankly, Aughreighyah looks ridiculously stupid and she should just go with Arya.
She got kinda upset and said that she and her partner came up with this only because I told them that the name is very common. I said that having a common name is better than having a confusing name.. AITA?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
[Reddit User] − Ask her ‘Arya being stupid?’ … I’ll be here all night
0000udeis000 − NTA. You should not give your kid a name that looks like it could be a Welsh town.
Beets_ByDwightShrute − Normally you’d be the a**hole but A) that’s a stupid name, and B) she asked your opinion. NTA
iamskankhunt − NTA – that poor child will have to spell her name for everyone, and correct people mis-pronouncing it.
Goody3333 − Aryah. Aria. Auria. Auryah. …
Literally a billion ways to spell it, and your friend comes up with that bs? I hope this is a troll.
Pale_Natural3655 − NTA. They are setting that kid up for a lifetime of hell. Why do people feel the need to do this? Besides, the name is still the same, so they haven’t really solved the too common problem, they just made the spelling look like a cat ran over a keyboard.
Practical_Heart7287 − NTA. Holy hell. And this is from someone with a four letter name that people can’t spell.
[Reddit User] − NTA. That name is a tragedeigh.
SuperSixSumorai − This is obviously bait. No normal person names their kids that irl. If, by the slim chance this is true, and they are serious, then do everything in your power to stop it.. Hard NTA
Vixen7-9 − Aughreighyah sounds like something I would sigh when i’m frustrated. Or something Link would yell out when attacking. NTA.