AITA for telling my parents I didn’t have a kid, they did, and they need to take care of her not me?


A 15-year-old girl shares her strained relationship with her parents, who had her at a young age and made it clear they regretted becoming parents early. They neglected her emotionally and practically throughout her life, but now that they’ve had a second child, they’re deeply invested in parenting.

The conflict arises when the parents expect her to babysit her younger sibling while they attend fertility appointments. She refuses, saying the baby is their responsibility, not hers. This refusal leads to tension as her father accuses her of being ungrateful. Read the original story below…


‘ AITA for telling my parents I didn’t have a kid, they did, and they need to take care of her not me?’





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This post highlights the impact of parental neglect and how resentment can build over time. Is the daughter right for setting boundaries, or should she have agreed to help?


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One Comment

  1. Lisa 2 months ago

    Talk to a school counselor about the possibility of emancipation. Maybe a friend’s parents would take you in. You have been neglected in all ways, especially emotionally. Your sperm and egg donors can breed all they want, but, not you responsibility to raise.