AITA for telling my mom she’s rude after eating the dinner she made me?


A Reddit user shares their frustration after discovering that their mom, despite knowing about their gluten sensitivity, included flour in the sauce of their supposedly gluten-free dinner.

When confronted, the mom brushed it off as “only a little,” leading to a tense exchange. Was the user justified in calling out their mom’s behavior? Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for telling my mom she’s rude after eating the dinner she made me ?’

I have a food sensitivity to gluten. I’ve been to the allergy doctor ect and they have confirmed. My mom knows this and said she made my pasta separate from the rest of the dinner. Everyone else had ravioli and my mom made me gluten free pasta. I ate the bowl of pasta and said thank you.


A few minutes later I asked my mom if the sauce had flour in it. She shook her head “no” and then said “a little”. I didn’t say anything right away. I was confused cus she made a statement that mine was gluten free and I didn’t think to ask her about the sauce.

After dinner I told her she should have told me that there was flour in the sauce and she said something like “whatever it was only a little” and “you had allergies anyway”. I told her that was rude and walked away. She didn’t even give me an option if I want to choose to suffer the consequences or not from eating flour.


Check out how the community responded:

karsmashian −  NTA she knew flour would hurt you and didn’t care. Then when you asked her, she tried to make you feel bad about it. Now you know you can’t trust her to have your best interest at heart.

kharmatika −  NTA . How old are you?


Dittoheadforever −  You’re NTA. she said something like “whatever it was only a little” and “you had allergies anyway”. Going to take a leap here and suggest she is one of those people who don’t really believe in people have food allergies/sensitivities. 

ElehcarTheFirst −  I have MCAS and one of my biggest triggers is meat. Or anything made from meat such as broth. It’s not 100% that I’m going to have a reaction. It’s usually around 75 – 80% of the time that I have one. But they’re disgusting when I do. Assplosions while simultaneously vomiting. I’m sexy.


And yet… People think that when I tell them I’m a vegetarian it’s a joke for them to put meat in my food. I’ve tried to explain to them that it’s closer to an allergy but it’s not actually an allergy. It’s just really difficult to explain.

A cousin I haven’t seen for years recently tried to hide meat and food at my friend’s baby shower. I had no idea my friend even knew this person and my friend had no idea that person was my cousin. Luckily, we caught it before I ate anything.


And I’m on new medication that has really slowed down the reactions that I do have. But I’m also terrified to try foods that have been such trigger for me for the last 30 years. My point is… Families are assholes.

And people who don’t understand food sensitivities, allergies, intolerances, and think it’s not a big deal or it’s funny to f**k with people who have dietary restrictions… Are the worst. I actually had threatened to go to HR at my job once about it because no one would order food I could eat.


they just kept telling me to pick the meat off of the pizza. They would’ve understand that meat juice makes me f**king sick but when we had a Muslim person start they would order food for him but they still wouldn’t order me just a plain cheese.

Ok_Stable7501 −  Make sure to use her bathroom if/when you get sick. NTA


strangebow −  My daughter has a gluten allergy so I understand what that can mean for you. It is shocking to me that a parent would do this to their child. That anyone would do this but especially a parent. Protect yourself. If you are old enough to cook start doing your own meals.

If you have to keep food in your room do it. We learned the hard way(didn’t understand why my daughter’s GI symptoms were getting worse and worse over the years until she was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. The more you eat the worse it gets.


She is now to the point that eating any gluten will have her in the bathroom for 12-24 hours. You don’t want to get to that point and unfortunately you can’t rely on your mother to protect you. You must do it yourself. So very sorry. I hate to see a parent act like this. Edit:NTA

Tribute2sketch −  NTA – you might try telling her that gluten is literally poison for you body, but honestly she is likely never to respect this food boundary and I wouldn’t accept any more food from her that you haven’t completely verified.


martylegarcon −  NTA. Your mum took away your choice to eat gluten. It was very rude of her to do what she did. I have coeliac disease and talk about gluten as being a literal poison. It helps people understand that my ‘allergy’ is actually something quite serious.

Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum of food sensitivity serving you food without telling to is not cool. I would be careful about trusting her to prepare you food that is safe for you to eat .


Idkreallyfriendz −  NTA she did not take your allergy seriously

beestachio −  NTA. At all. My daughter is allergic to wheat, so our house is completely wheat-free. I cannot IMAGINE feeding my child something I knew would make her sick. But it’s really her reaction to getting called out that’s worrying, because she doesn’t seem concerned for you.


Was the user right to call their mom out for not disclosing the flour, or was it an overreaction to an honest mistake? How would you handle a similar situation involving dietary restrictions? Share your thoughts below!

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