AITA for telling my mom if she doesn’t like the rules of my car she can walk?

A Redditor recounts a tense moment with their mom while driving her to a doctor’s appointment. During a stop for food, the mom began chewing loudly, which is one of the Redditor’s pet peeves. When the Redditor commented on it, the mom denied it at first but then began intentionally chewing with her mouth open to annoy them.
Frustrated, the Redditor told their mom that if she didn’t stop, she could walk. Now, they’re wondering if they were too harsh or if their reaction was justified. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for telling my mom if she doesn’t like the rules of my car she can walk?’
So basically I can’t stand when people chew with their mouths open and my mom has a bad habit of it. I was taking her to her doctor’s appointment and she was hungry so she asked if we could stop somewhere to eat. I get her Wendy’s and we are eating in the car.
I hear what sounded like her chewing with her mouth open so I brought it up so she said she didn’t and I went mhm. Kind of like I didn’t believe her. She said I wasn’t but if you want me to I will and started doing it. I said if she didn’t stop she could walk.
I realize that is something my dad always said to her so I understand why she was upset but at the same time if you are intentionally doing something to annoy me why should I put up with it in my car. AITA?
Check out how the community responded:
Discount_Mithral − NTA. Even if she wasn’t at first, to behave so childishly as to pull this is reason enough to make her the AH here. It’s basic manners to not chew with your mouth open, as a fully grown adult, she should know this. Next time mom is hungry, tell her you don’t allow food in the car anymore and she’ll have to wait.
OldPresentation3437 − Look up misophonia. This condition may apply to you. If it does, you will be able to learn tools to cope with issues as they arise.
Ultimately, your mother was being rude by deliberately doing something she knew would trigger you,
but you were rude to her by threatening her with something you knew would trigger her (because your father often threatens her that way). Nobody’s right here. Ultimately, your quality of life will greatly improve if you can get this issue of yours under control.
wetcherri − NTA. Chewing with your mouth open is 110% disrespectful and gross, not to mention entirely controllable. If people wanna act like they were raised in a barn, they can do so in the privacy of their own home.. Your mother is a childish b**t.
notrightmeowthx − ESH, both of you acted without respect toward the other. Given the nature of the relationship, that qualifies both of you as having behaved badly. She isn’t a random stranger, she’s your mother. She should have agreed to try to eat quieter, and you shouldn’t have threatened to kick her out of the car.
ArrrrghB − NTA because she doubled down on being an ass about it. Easy answer to asking her nicely to chew with her mouth closed “oh goodness, sorry i didn’t realize. I’ll try my best”. No need for her to get defensive about her absolutely disgusting, repulsive, rude, nauseating, n**ty, repugnant, detestable habit.
kjftiger95 − NTA, I’ll never forget the day my brother stopped the car and kicked my Oma out (it was only around the corner from her house) because she immediately started being rude and condescending when he was doing her a favor. Not even my mom was upset with him because she knew she deserved it.
Wonderful-Teach8210 − ESH. That’s gross, but I really doubt she is doing it on purpose just to annoy you. And that was an AH thing to say. The solution is simple: don’t allow eating in the car.
Time-Tie-231 − ESH. Your Mum is rude but you triggered her with a controlling vibe that she got regularly from her husband. You are both disrespectful to each other.
OnionTruck − NTA I don’t allow eating in my car, you may wish to consider that option too.
memeof1 − Yeah YTA ~ who cares if it annoys you, you know she does it but yet you took her for food anyway. Honestly one day your mom won’t be here and I promise you all the things she does that “annoys” you will be miss dearly. Let the minor s**t slide it’s not worth it.
Was the Redditor out of line for reacting strongly to their mom’s behavior, or is it fair to set boundaries in their own car? How would you handle a situation like this with a family member? Share your thoughts below!