AITA for telling my girlfriend’s ex fiancé that she’s harassing his wife?


One person discovered that their girlfriend, Katy, had been harassing her ex-fiancé’s wife through fake accounts on Facebook. After finding out about the online harassment.

They informed the ex-fiancé, but now they are questioning whether they did the right thing. Some friends believe they overreacted, but the person feels their actions were justified. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for telling my girlfriend’s ex fiancé that she’s harassing his wife?’

I found out that my future ex-girlfriend, Katy, has been harassing her ex-fiancé’s wife on Facebook. She created dozens of fake accounts to post all sorts of n**ty things about her. This all started when her ex-fiancé got married in Bali this June.


I stumbled upon this by accident when I needed to urgently go online using her laptop since mine was in for repairs. When I tried to log into my Facebook account, I noticed a bunch of saved accounts in the autocomplete field.

I logged into a few of them because the passwords were also saved in Chrome, and that’s when I saw what she was up to. I decided to let her ex-fiancé know what was happening, and now I’m waiting for her to return from her mother’s place in four days so I can tell her it’s over between us.


She doesn’t know what’s happened yet because I asked her ex-fiancé to give me the chance to talk to her first, so she doesn’t have time to come up with a bunch of excuses. To be clear, right now I don’t feel like I’m the a**hole.

My friends told me that I overreacted and that she could face serious legal issues if her ex-fiancé and his wife file a complaint. I don’t think I did anything wrong because I can’t stand this kind of behavior,


especially since she told me she got over that relationship years ago, and I’ve now seen that she blatantly lied to me. Still, I thought I’d ask for another opinion. Maybe there’s something I’m missing in this story?

These are the responses from Reddit users:

Creepy-Stable-6192 −  NTA, get that kind of crazy out of your life. And make sure it is very clear to her ex that you had no idea this was going on. She is very obviously not over him. And has now completely destroyed her relationship with you because of this level of crazy.


LabLady0 −  NTA. That is shockingly bad behavior. Your soon-to-be-ex deserves some jail time, honestly. Give all names, passwords, screenshots to the police, maybe even the whole laptop. Reprehensible.

ComprehensivePut5569 −  NTA – Your stbx is clearly not over her ex and is completely unhinged with an 8th grade mean girl mentality. You definitely dodged a bullet with this one.


Ok-Nefariousness5440 −  Cyber b**lying is no joke people have committed suicide over it.

babyluxe123 −  Wow, talk about a plot twist! Who knew you were dating a soap opera star? I mean, creating fake accounts is a level of commitment I can’t even muster for my Netflix password!


CatUnderTheTable −  NTA. I mean the fact that she can face legal repercussions for her actions should be a point in favor of you not overreacting, not the other way around! 

wasstag −  NTA, you did the right thing. Once had a similar situation; honesty is key.


killbot0224 −  If she “could face serious legal consequences for her actions” then you didn’t f**king overreact.. NTA. Tell the ex to throw the book at her. This s**t is unhinged.

Change all your own passwords, set your own profiles to private, don’t accept requests you haven’t personally verified, and prepare for her to s**t her campaign of harassment to you. *WHEN* SHE DOES THAT, then you throw the book at her too.


sabolaw123 −  NTA, you did the right thing. I once faced something similar and honesty was key.

WinterFront1431 −  Damn your friends are idiots. So what if they file a complaint. She’s a c**ep, and honestly, do you know how much this stalking and harassment can affect a person mentally. Why wait for her back. Just end it and block her.


Do you think the user did the right thing by exposing their girlfriend’s actions, or was it too harsh to involve her ex-fiancé? Was there another way to handle the situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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