AITA for telling my girlfriend to shut the f**k up after she insulted my sisters thighs?


A Redditor shares how he got into a heated argument with his girlfriend after she made a rude comment about his 12-year-old sister’s weight during a FaceTime call. He immediately told his girlfriend to “shut the fuck up” and hung up. Now, his friends are criticizing him for being disrespectful to his girlfriend, but he feels justified in standing up for his sister. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for telling my girlfriend to shut the f**k up after she insulted my sisters thighs?’

I’m 30 and my 12 year old sister is living with me right now because mom and pops are vulnerable so it made more sense for me to care for my sis for the time being. She is a really great kid and tbh I feel in a lot of ways like she’s my own kid because my mom and dad don’t speak English so I kind of had to raise my sis in ways that they couldn’t.

Hard to explain but I’m sure anyone with a secondary culture will get what I mean- my mom and dad are great parents but having an English speaking person to guide you through s**t when you live in an English speaking country is invaluable imo and my sister trusts me with stuff she won’t necessarily trust my parents with.


Anyway my girlfriend was FaceTiming me and my sister walked past in shorts and a t shirt cuz it’s hot. My ~~sister~~ gf waited til my sister had left the area ( but not the room) and made a face and said ‘maybe feed her less OP, her thighs are kinda chunky’ I saw red and told her to shut the f**k up (just came out my mouth) and immediately ended the call.

My sister is a bit chubby but ffs who says stuff like that about a 12 year old girl. Literally. Everybody. I. Know. Has been texting me that I’m a POS boyfriend and that how can I disrespect my gf like that. I am expecting an apology from HER but to my shock everybody is expecting ME to apologize.. So Reddit, AITA?


Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

snazarella −  NTA. 12 year old girls are incredibly vulnerable to body image issues. You’re absolutely right to shut down such comments immediately.

[Reddit User] −  NTA and this is a huge red flag. Why would you want to date someone that insulted your little sister like that?


bgarth91 −  Huge NTA. Body shaming a 12 year old is a low move.

purplepeopleater205 −  NTA well done for standing up for your sister it’s talk like that, that no young girl should ever be judged on. I just hope she’s now your ex and that you never apologise!


Evolutioncocktail −  NTA. Your gf is a real piece of work for talking about a 12 y/o’s thighs. She needs to check herself.

puseyes −  NTA- Your gf was out of line and being a female, she should know how much those snide comments, no matter how well intentioned affect you FOREVER. You’re sister’s self confidence is more important than your girlfriend’s ego


GordonG47 −  NTA. At 12, girls bodies are all over the place. Making comments like that is just plain stupid. Your girlfriend needs to apologise, and so do all the half-wits that sent you text messages. Now you know who your friends are, huh?

Chimom315 −  NTA!! Who says that about a 12 year old girl? Your girlfriend sounds like an awful and mean spirited person. If her friends are all defending her and coming down on you, then she has s**tty friends too. Your poor sister. I feel terrible for her. Find a girlfriend who will treat your sister as her own and love her just as you do.. Your girlfriend needs to go.


SupremeLeaderMeow −  ESH your girlfriend was wrong and rude and you were right to address it immediately and showing your sister support. but jesus christ talk about overreaction. Your girlfriend made an unwelcome comment about your sister, possibly thinking it would be between you two.

She didn’t came to her face to b**ly her. You’re an adult, you should act like one. Also wtf with those “wow HuuUuge red flag, burn bridges, break up, contact your lawyer” type comments. Evrything isn’t black or white guys.. Edit :spelling


andsometimesnot −  Feed her less?? Who talks like that about anyone? Who talks like that about a 12 year old? Who says that to their boyfriend about his kid sister? Your girlfriend is out of all sorts of lines! Do not apologise.

Could she be telling people a convenient version of the story that makes her sound better? I don’t see how anyone would see you as being the one in the wrong. NTA, your girlfriend is definitely TA. Edited for typos and clarity


Do you think the Redditor was right to defend his sister, or was his reaction too harsh? How would you respond if someone insulted a younger family member in front of you? Share your thoughts below!

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One Comment

  1. Jens "Viper" Nobel 3 months ago

    You were indeed correct to shut her down RAPIDLY while your sister was still within the room. That comment about a 12 year old is so disgusting and mean that I can’t even begin to fathom how she could make herself utter it in the first place. Especially as she is a girl herself.
    I can make a mistake that will end up hurting people unintentionally. But there is no way this was unintentional. It is too mean and hurting to be a slip of her tongue. She seriously needs to think about what kind of person she wants to be vs what kind of person she actually is. And you need to think about your wanting to be in a serious relationship with her if she keeps on being this evil.