AITA for telling my friends GF to stop singing and spoiling our night?

A Reddit user recounted a tense night at a pub where karaoke was playing in the background. Their friend’s girlfriend loudly sang along, making up lyrics and disrupting conversations.
After subtle hints failed, the user snapped, telling her to stop, which upset her and caused the couple to leave. Was this reaction too harsh or justified? Read the full story below!
‘ AITA for telling my friends GF to stop singing and spoiling our night?’
A group of us went to a local pub which sometimes has karaoke. We aren’t into the karaoke so sit well away from it when it’s on. It was on yesterday when we went unfortunately. My friends GF got into it and sang along to many of the songs.
She couldn’t see the words from where we were sat so she made them up, she was a terrible singer and she was very loud. All good otherwise! We all put up with her for a bit but then started dropping hints that we wanted to talk and couldn’t hear with her singing.
She just said it was fun. (It wasn’t! Eventually I got really annoyed and told to f-ing stop because she was spoiling everyone’s night out.. she got upset and her BF (my mate) had to back her up, told me I was a d**k and they left.
Everyone else said I shouldn’t have said it because it wasn’t that bad and I upset her and made it awkward but I know they were glad for it to stop.. So am I the AH?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Open_Football_2871 − You go to a karaoke bar to sing and dance, not have a full-blown conversation. Should’ve went to Applebees if you wanted that. Also, he didn’t have to back her up, you were being rude and it warranted a response.
Apart-Ad-6518 − YTA. she got upset and her BF (my mate) *had* to back her up. He *chose* to back her up. Everyone else said I shouldn’t have said it because it wasn’t that bad. So that’s the group opinion. but I know they were glad for it to stop. How, in light of their stated view? Are you a mind reader?
Ok_Egg_251 − YTA. I could understand being annoyed, but you were at a karaoke night, and she was enjoying karaoke. If that annoys you, don’t hang out at a karaoke bar again. If you do, people are going to sing. They will do it loudly and with the wrong lyrics, and they will enjoy it.
TheDeadWalk993 − YTA. As a casual observer, I’m telling you, what ruins a night more is watching some guy have a little episode and flip out than having a girl be enthusiastic about karaoke
Own_Plastic1201 − YTA Her boyfriend saw that you were rude and chose to back her up. You didn’t have to tell her to “shut the f up.” You could have told her outright she was making it hard for everyone else to talk and asked her politely to stop.
Everyone else may have appreciated the break from her singing but they still think you were an a**hole for handling that so aggressively.
LightPhotographer − YTA – here’s why. She was ruining the mood but she kept below the threshold of people actually leaving.
Your action caused people to get up and leave. It does not matter if you are ‘right’. Getting people to leave means a line was crossed. You crossed it.
Famous_Specialist_44 − If you don’t want to hear terrible singing don’t go to a karaoke event.. YTA
Last_Caterpillar8770 − YTA. If you don’t like karaoke, don’t go somewhere it is being held. And don’t s**t on other people’s fun because they enjoy something you don’t.
November-8485 − So everyone told you YTA and you’re here trying to see if you’ll get a different response? You won’t. YTA.
anus_evacuator − YTA. There’s a level of escalation between “dropping hints” and telling her to “f**king stop”. You jumped right past that level.
Was the user right to call out their friend’s girlfriend for her disruptive singing, or could they have handled it more tactfully? How would you manage someone unintentionally spoiling a group outing? Share your thoughts below!