AITA for telling my friend that he’s really low class after he littered?

A person visits a friend who littered a coffee cup despite a trash can being nearby. When confronted, the friend dismisses it as insignificant and claims it creates jobs for others. The visitor, trying to highlight the friend’s uncivilized behavior, jokingly calls him “low class.”

The friend counters by mocking the visitor’s social status. The visitor believes the friend’s actions reflect poorly on him.

‘ AITA for telling my friend that he’s really low class after he littered? ‘

When I went over to visit him, we hit up a local coffee shop. After we’re done with our drinks, he casually just throws his empty cup at the ground despite the trash can being literally 10 feet away from him. I told why he just littered so casually, he responds with “It’s just one cup, relax.

I don’t do this a lot”. I respond with “Well the trash can is literally 10 feet away from you, you also litter every time I’m with you”. He tells me that it’s no big deal and he’s actually giving people jobs by littering.

I respond with “Damn dude you’re really low class, and I don’t mean because you’re poor but because of how you act”. Now I only meant it in a joking way but also as a way to tell him that he acts like an uncivilized barbarian.

He responds with “You act all fancy lol, you’re not even rich, barely middle class”. I just laughed it off but this dude is low class

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

frooomie −  NTA obviously, littering sucks. Kudos for calling him out for that.

Boxillgetya −  NTA. Anyone who litters without thought, or at all is absolutely a trash person.

Sound-Difference72 −  NTA, but there are better insults. Call him a turtle k**ler, the trash he leaves behind, landfill… if you can throw puns at him as you keep walking down the street just keep going

SharonJohnson83 −  NTA. It’s not just about that one cup; it shows a lack of respect for the environment and the people around you. Your comment about being “low class” might have been a joke, but it highlighted how strongly you feel about his careless behavior.

tom_gent −  Nta, but it wouldn’t be my friend anyway

EffableFornent −  Shame him more. Don’t even joke about it to soften the blow, just tell him he’s gross and walk off.  My husband would’ve made him pick it up. 

NightOwlIvy_93 −  “Giving people a job because he litters”…  dude, even my toddler puts her trash in the bin. 

clong9 −  This is dumb. Your class or the money your parents have does relate to whether you think it’s okay to litter. ESH. Him for littering, you for thinking class is somehow related to someone’s morals or upbringing.

LengthinessPast8251 −  NTA. You’re being socially responsible. You acted in a way that disciplines an i**ot for the betterment of himself and the rest of society.

Hot-Rip-3141 −  NTA at all just pure laziness on your friends behalf when there is a bin 10 feet away.

Did the visitor go too far in calling out their friend’s behavior, or was it justified? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!


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