AITA for telling my dad i would not be coming around as often because of his love for Trump?

A Reddit user (26F) shares her emotional struggle with her father over their differing political views, particularly his unwavering support for Donald Trump. Despite her past trauma and the stakes of the election, her father’s praise for Trump and his derogatory views on immigrants have made her question the relationship.
She feels betrayed, especially considering her history with sexual assault, and has decided to distance herself from him. To read more about her difficult decision and the emotional toll it’s taken on her, continue reading the full story below.
‘ AITA for telling my dad i would not be coming around as often because of his love for Trump? ‘
I am a 26 year old woman who has always disagreed on politics with my father. Being a Republican is one thing, but vehemently supporting a convicted felon, rapist, and r**ist is where I frankly draw the line.
After this election, it fully dawned on me how I would never hear the end of it with my dad. How happy he is that Trump won. How America is finally going to get rid of all those pesky immigrants. How awesome everything Trump does is.
My dad knows I was raped. He knows what was on the line for this presidency. And he doesn’t care. He called the left evil and that he raised me as a Christian and I should know better. I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality. Am I really so wrong to keep a distance from my dad after this???
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
TeacherIndependent52 − I’m in the same position as you. I was also s**ually assaulted and I needed to utilize a**rtion care for two miscarriages. My dad texted me in celebration over Trump being elected again and it was a huge slap in the face.
He constantly says I’m uneducated because of how I vote. Yet I’m the one with a degree, 10 years in the military and I’m working on my second degree. He never graduated high school. He has told me to my face that women can’t succeed as leaders or in positions of power.
Unfortunately I’ve come to realize he’s always been like this, it just wasn’t as bold when I was a kid. You are 100% not the a**hole for protecting your peace and setting boundaries.
I am never one to judge people on politics, but it stops when people’s rights are on the line. Having a difference of opinion on how to run the economy is one thing, having a difference in morals on who deserves rights is another.
mellow_avax − You’re prioritizing your peace; boundaries are valid.
Acceptable_Host_577 − It’s interesting that he says he raised you as a Christian but then doesn’t act like one wrt the “pesky immigrants “
IllustriousKey4322 − People who idolize politicians also believe that the stripper at the club likes them, people like your dad are laughable.
BBO1007 − NTA. Dad here. If you can’t put your kids well being over all others, you need to turn in your dad card.
Secret_Number_420 − ” I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality”. we all are. NTA
FrankensteinsBride89 − NTA it’s so hard. I was raised in a Christian conservative household and thought I was the same until I was raped in high school— it was that moment I knew I was pro-choice. Then I went to college and took a feminism class and that was the end of me thinking I was a republican.
Throughout the last decade I’ve become so disappointed to see my dad stick up for Trump no matter what. We were having a heated discussion on Wednesday and I told him that I was raped for the first time, that Trump is flying around in Epsteins plane, that Epstein himself said he was Trumps “closest friend”..
to which he responded that Trump probably got a deal on the plane and he’s not gonna listen to anything Epstein has to say. It’s so disheartening. Did your dad listen Rush? My Dad has been caught in the republican propaganda for decades. There’s no hope.
Bubbly_Director_1591 − NTA. I live in the middle of redneck country in the red state of Tennessee. My daughter is a nurse at a major hospital in Tennessee.
She told me to get vaxxed during COVID-19…so I got all shots and boosters. I get flu shots. And I’m criticized for supporting my daughter…if you can’t support your kids then don’t have them.
RumpusParableHere − NTA. Everything else, which is enough, having your father speak about how much he loves a rapist (and other SAs) when he \*knows\* you’ve been a victim…. distancing yourself is 100% understandable.
Differences in politics on SOOOOOOOO many factors are fine to have. Hate being poured out and a father backing a rapist is his making direct implications on your attack. Those separately and together are good, valid, solid reasons to pull away from someone in your life.
Edited to add since so many can’t wrap there head around it: Take politics out of it, and let’s switch genders to make it more relatable maybe: Just average everyday life with people in one’s friends group and general community.
A man’s father knows he was raped and tells his son flatly and repeatedly he thinks a local rapist is an awesome person. Of course it makes sense for him to distance from his father.
typhoidmarry − Find your family among your friends. You *never* have to associate with people who make you uncomfortable.. Ever. NTA
Do you think the user’s decision to distance herself from her father over his political beliefs is justified, or do you think there might be another way to navigate their differences? How would you handle a situation where a loved one’s views hurt you on a personal level? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
YAH Biden let illegal immigrants in the country who r/pe and m/rder. You have been lied to about Trump being a r/pist.
YTH as Biden brought all the r/pists, felons and m//derers into the US. And the Dems have a revolving door on any rapists to go back on the street without any bail. Trump is trying to make America safe again. And Trump is not a r/pist – where do you get your info from?