AITA for telling my classmate she has a blobfish nose after she called me short?

A 17-year-old male (M17) was called short by a classmate (F17) who joked that no woman would be attracted to him because of his height, even though he’s 178 cm tall (average height). Feeling insecure about his height, he responded by insulting her physical appearance,
saying she had a “blobfish nose” and no man would be attracted to her. Afterward, some classmates were upset with him, saying his comment was rude, and that while commenting on height is normal, commenting on a girl’s nose crosses a line. He wonders if he was in the wrong. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for telling my classmate she has a blobfish nose after she called me short?’
Yesterday at school, I (M17) was talking to a group of classmates when a classmate (F17) “jokingly” called me short and said that no woman would be attracted to me because of my height.
Now I’m not that short, I’m 178 cm tall which is average I guess but I’m ngl I am a bit insecure about my height, especially since all the guys at my school are like 6’0+. I immediately told her “yeah? well you have a blobfish nose, pretty sure no guy is attracted to that.”
After I said this like 5 girls stared at me as that girl left (pretty sure she cried) and one girl told me I was way out of line with that comment because height is a normal thing to comment about, but commenting about a girls nose is really terrible which makes no sense to me.
How is it okay for her to comment about my height but not okay for me to comment back about her nose? Another girl told me I was an AH and a j**k. I wanna know, aita?
Check out how the community responded:
TurbulentHousing4494 − NTA- she shouldn’t throw stones if she lives in a glass house. I had to look up what a blobfish is 😂. Funny description
bumblebeesanddaisies − If she apologises to you, please reply with “No bloblem” 🤣 sorry…. I’ll see myself out…
Key-Finance-9102 − Ye are kids. What both of ye said were a**hole things, though I assume you wouldn’t have been n**ty to her if she had not initiated it.
You matched her energy by stooping down to her level. It was not the mature thing to do but the context of your ages is relevant.
How both of ye proceed will determine whether or not either are the AH. You could choose to reach out to her, admit that you shouldn’t have retaliated and try to move on. If she doesn’t realise that what she said was equally as n**ty, move on. Don’t waste your time with her.
I realise that the above is easier said than done and I probably wouldn’t have had the maturity myself at 17 to do so but maybe you will do better. You have come here to reflect so maybe you are at the place where you can take the higher road.. Either way, good luck.
Editing to add: “Ye” is a common way to differentiate between you singular and you plural where I live. I’m glad ye’ve all gotten so much enjoyment out of it!
Reading back over it, I realise I sounded far more jaded and condescending than I intended. Apologies to OP. My intention was more to put the story into perspective. My points stand.
Gretgor − Teenagers are so freaking dumb, I swear. NTA but you gotta remember teenagers are dumb.
Particular-Lime1651 − Hahahaha😂 nta bro! Play stupid ganes, win stupid prizes. Ask her to apologise, and you will too. Maybe she’ll learn not to say hurtful things
FloatingPencil − NTA. She wanted to start it, and somehow be immune to comments on her own appearance? F**k that.
Chloet5759 − NTA – Two can play at that game.
JeemsLeeZ − NTA Its basically just well executed *taichi*. She hurled some mean energy your way, and you returned with the same mean energy.
Both are physical traits, both are unchangeable. Arguably, a nose job is easier than implanting those screws into your leg, so maybe some of the negative energy was lost in conversion.
letty86 − NTA. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.
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