AITA for telling my boyfriend’s mom to mind her business?

A 26-year-old woman, feeling emotional after a disagreement with her boyfriend Mark, was confronted by his mom about creating a “hostile environment” for their 3-month-old baby.
Frustrated by the unsolicited advice, she told his mom to mind her business and leave. Mark now wants her to apologize for snapping at his mom, but she isn’t sure if she should. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for telling my boyfriend’s mom to mind her business?’
I (26) female have been dating my boyfriend Mark (29) for 2 years. His mom had came to our house right after a disagreement. We have a 3 month old child who was sleeping. I admit I was giving short answers and slightly passive aggressive.
For example when he asked me for something I put it on the opposite side of the coffee table so he still had to stand up. His mom decided to come talk to me in the kitchen and tell me I should “let it go for the baby to not be in a hostile environment.”
At that point I lost it and told her to mind her business and to get out of my house. I told her the child is sleeping and I’m human and have a right to feel emotions and that she can have her son visit her at her house since my home is so hostile.
After she left she had told my boyfriend how upset she was at my reaction. He’s now mad at me for snapping on his mom. He wants me to apologize but I don’t think I should have to but want an outside opinion. Aita?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
JeepersCreepers74 − Okay, ESH for the admittedly childish behavior of moving things to force Mark around. That said, it was clear you and Mark were mid-disagreement but, to your point, baby was sleeping.
MIL should have stayed out of it, this was not her problem to solve. To the extent she *had* to get involved, the person she needs to talk to is her own child, not you.
Scary_Inevitable379 − YTA – Unpopular opinion but MIL wasn’t being nosey, she was worried about the environment that her grandchild is living in. She comes over to spend time with all of you and she’s met with a house full of passive aggressive adults.
Of course she’s going to wonder if this is the norm in the house. You and your bf decided to involve her in your petty fight when you created a hostile environment around her. If you weren’t up to hosting, you should’ve cancelled.
BxBae133 − I’ve seen my DIL berate my son, and had her dad comment about how awful it is. Not my relationship. That’s for my son to handle. Still kicking her out? Telling her visits will be at her house? Yeah, YTA.
You acted like an a**hole in front of her when you should have kept your s**t with him between the two of you. She shouldn’t have gotten involved, but you were an a**hole and your reaction was a**hole-ish.
Light-Dragon888 − YTA. Being passive aggressive and petty to your spouse in front of guests, even family, is childish and immature and really, really awkward for the third person. You can be upset at your partner without being a d**k to them and using small things to punish them.
This is not behaviour that builds healthy relationships or creates a positive environment for your kid. You don’t have to let stuff go that isn’t resolved, but this is a s**t way to deal with it and frankly your mum in law probably deserves an apology.
elsie78 − YTA for how fast your escalated it with your BF’s mom.
stove1336 − You are a class A a**hole. Class AA. You have a right to argue and be an AH whenever you want, but don’t come here and tell us what a**hole things you did and ask for an “outside opinion” hoping for support. You need to work on your self-awareness as well. Geez YTA
ASomthnSomthn − You have a child, which means you can’t keep acting like a child. Grow up, and try to be a decent role model. YTA.
faxmachine13 − YTA you’re acting like a child and she called you out on it. You have a right to feel emotions, but if it was a bad time for her to visit you could’ve just told her that, instead of acting bratty and then “losing it” on your child’s grandma
ChickenScratchCoffee − YTA. Yeah you can feel emotions but don’t need to act like a petty child. Grow up. Your child shouldn’t be raised in a hostile environment so yeah she’s right.
windyrainyrain − YTA If you hadn’t been acting like a petty, passive aggressive teenager, your boyfriend’s mom would not have even known about your having an argument before she came over. You have a kid, it’s time to grow up and act like an adult.
Was her reaction justified, or did she take her frustration too far? Balancing boundaries and maintaining family harmony can be tricky—what’s your perspective? Share your thoughts below!