AITA for telling a woman where she can and can’t give birth?
A young homeowner (26M) was approached by a pregnant woman who revealed that her family had a tradition of being born in the house he now owns. She asked if she could give birth in his bedroom, where both she and her mother were born.
He declined, citing that it’s his private space and he doesn’t know them, but later faced criticism from a friend who called him “cruel” for denying the request. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for telling a woman where she can and can’t give birth?’
To set the scene, I, 26, bought the house I’m living in in 2019 from this lovely older couple. I thought, as I’m sure anyone who has been in this situation might think, that the signing was gonna be the last time I ever say them, or had anything to do with their family. I was wrong. Yesterday, I got a knock on my door.
I opened it to find a young couple, probably my age, maybe a bit younger. The woman was pregnant, and looked like she was gonna pop any day. I asked who they were, and if I could help them. The woman replied that this home used to belong to her parents, and that she was born in this house.
I asked again what it was that they wanted since that didn’t really tell me if they needed anything from me. She told me that her mother had also been born here, in the upstairs bedroom. For context, this is now my bedroom.
She then asked if I wouldn’t mind letting her bring the stuff that was needed to give birth in the same spot as she and her mother were both born in. I said no, keeping in mind that A; this isn’t her or her parent’s house anymore, and B; that the bedroom in question is my bedroom.
Now, I thought that this was as normal as a response as was possible given the strange question, but when I was telling my friends about this afternoon, one of the girls in the friend group said that it was pretty cruel of me to tell a pregnant woman where she can and can’t give birth.
I didn’t think that what I had said was all that strange, considering I had never met the couple before, and I don’t exactly want a strange woman giving birth where I sleep, but my friend insists that I could have come to some sort of arrangement. So here I am, asking yous guys. AITA?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Mother_Search3350 − Your friend is an i**ot. You did not tell her where she can give birth, you told a complete stranger that she can’t give birth in your house in your bedroom. . NTAH
AcuteDeath2023 − Was your friend high? And the pregnant woman is delusional.. NTA
kehlarc − Maybe afterwards she can raise her child in your house like her mother did with her? NTA.
EntertainmentDry3790 − I actually can’t get over the fact that woman knocked on your door and even asked, what a bizarre thing to do. Obviously NTA, you friend is very silly
cgrobin1 − if the older couple was her parents/grandparents they could have held off selling the house unti, after the birth. I can’t help thinking this is some kind of bizarre s**m, possibly by a homeless couple trying to get into the house.
Na what happens when you go to work. I would contact your broker, to get word to the old couple to find out if they even know this girl. Seriously she wants to come wait in your house to wait to go into labor, give birth in your bed, possibly inviting others in to help and then how can she leave with a newborn right after delivering.
No, seriously no. Any who disagrees is more than welcome to let a stranger into theii home, and them give birth on their bed.
ghjkl098 − NTA Your friend is a m**on
SnooTangerines5246 − Watch out for three wise men and some shepherds
Bold-Belle2 − NTA. Who does she think she is to feel entitled to give birth in a strangers house because its where her mother was born. Thats insane.
Zealousideal_Till683 − The twist in the tale is that this woman’s grandmother also begged a random stranger to let her give birth in the upstairs bedroom of your house.
[Reddit User] − nah, you’re not the a**hole. it’s your home, not some community birthing center. the entitlement is wild. like, she can create new traditions wherever she lives now.
Is he wrong for prioritizing his privacy, or is the request unreasonable given the circumstances? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!