AITA for telling a woman where she can and can’t give birth?


When it comes to personal boundaries and sentimental requests, how do you strike the right balance? A homeowner finds herself in an awkward situation when a pregnant woman asks to give birth in the same bedroom where she and her mother were born—a room that now belongs to the homeowner. The homeowner’s refusal sparks a debate about compassion, property rights, and the limits of accommodating others’ sentimental desires.


‘AITA for telling a woman where she can and can’t give birth?’




Expert Opinions:

Property Rights and Personal Boundaries

Legal expert Emily Doskow, author of Neighbor Law, emphasizes the importance of respecting property rights. “As a homeowner, you have the right to control who enters your home and how your space is used.

While it’s kind to consider others’ feelings, you are not obligated to accommodate requests that make you uncomfortable or infringe on your privacy.” The narrator’s decision to decline the request aligns with her legal and personal rights.


The Emotional Weight of Sentimental Requests

Dr. Susan Whitbourne, a psychology professor and expert on family dynamics, explains that sentimental requests often carry deep emotional significance. “For the pregnant woman, giving birth in the same room as her mother and grandmother may feel like a way to honor her family’s history.

However, it’s important to recognize that the current homeowner has no emotional connection to that history and may feel uncomfortable with the request.” The narrator’s lack of connection to the house’s past justifies her response.


Balancing Compassion and Boundaries

Dr. Henry Cloud, a psychologist and author of Boundaries, highlights the challenge of balancing compassion with personal boundaries. “While it’s important to be empathetic, you cannot sacrifice your own comfort and well-being to accommodate others’ desires. Saying no in a respectful but firm manner is often the healthiest choice.” The narrator’s polite refusal demonstrates this balance.

The Role of Communication in Resolving Conflicts

Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, stresses the importance of clear communication in resolving conflicts. “When faced with an unusual request, it’s helpful to explain your reasoning calmly and respectfully. This can prevent misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of hurt feelings.” The narrator’s straightforward explanation to the pregnant woman was a reasonable approach.


Here’s how people reacted to the post:

Community Opinions:

The Reddit community was divided on the issue, with many supporting the narrator’s decision but some questioning her lack of compromise. Here are some highlights from the top comments:

“NTA. It’s your house, and you have every right to say no. Giving birth is a private and messy event—it’s not something you should feel pressured to host.”


“I get why the pregnant woman asked, but it’s a huge request. You were polite in saying no, and that’s all you needed to do.”

“Could you have offered a compromise, like letting her visit the room before or after the birth? It might have been a nice gesture.”


“Your friend is wrong. You’re not cruel for setting boundaries. It’s your home, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for protecting your space.”

“It’s a weird request, but I can see why it’s meaningful to her. Still, you’re not obligated to say yes.”








The situation highlights the tension between respecting sentimental requests and maintaining personal boundaries. While the pregnant woman’s desire to give birth in her childhood home is understandable, the narrator’s refusal is justified given the practical and emotional implications of hosting such an event.

Her polite but firm response demonstrates a healthy balance between compassion and self-respect. What do you think? Was the narrator justified in her decision, or should she have been more accommodating? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. B Babes 2 months ago

    Wow both ladies sound f*cking idiotic af poor husband to have to follow his retarded wife to your door how embarrassing I’m guessing this woman was white sounds like some Karen shit. Nta stand your ground cause it’s your house ngl sounds like a king of the hill episode lady wanted to die though in his house either way it ain’t right tell her take that shit to a hospital or her own house omfg what a weirdo hehe.

  2. Podcanuck 2 weeks ago

    You should notify CPS because that woman is fucking psycho and her child will not be safe. Also tell your friend he is a fucking moron! NO you do NOT have to make an arrangement.