AITA for telling a woman off after she asked me to put on clothes at a nude hot spring?

A Redditor shares their story of cutting off their parents after they lost the majority of their inheritance through risky investments. Now, the parents want to reconnect and meet their grandchildren, but the user has set a condition: return the lost inheritance with interest.
Read the full story below to decide whether this ultimatum is justified or overly harsh.
‘Â AITA for telling a woman off after she asked me to put on clothes at a nude hot spring?’
I’m using a throwaway because I’m not gonna become known as the nude hot spring guy. So, there’s a natural hot spring only about an hour drive away from where I live. It’s on public land and a relatively well known hot spot (get it).
The hot spring explicitly allow for nudity; and there are signs up warning prudes who have complained for years that, yes, people are allowed to be nude there. I’ve been going there about once a week recently, and every time I get nude.
I like to go Sunday mornings because it’s mostly empty. Last Sunday, I arrived and stripped down as normal. There was another woman there who was using the springs as well and I chatted with her a bit.
After about 20 minutes another woman arrived and came over to talk to me. This woman explained her 3 kids we’re around the corner and wanted to the use the hot springs. I could see them down the trail, they looked to be in the age ranges of 12-6.
I was really confused because there was plenty of room still so I told her very confused “ok?” She was trying to “subtly” tell me what she really wanted, but had to spell it out for me. She then asked me to “get decent.”
I was just taken aback at first and told her no, I wasn’t done using the spring yet and I only had the clothes I was going to wear back home. She then told, not asked, me to leave so her kids could use the spring.
This pissed me off so I told her to go f**k herself and we argued for a bit. She ended up storming off. The lady who was in the spring got out and told me I’m an a**hole, so I called her a b**ch.
I left about 20 minutes later and saw that the woman and her kids walked back to their car. I waved at her and said to enjoy the hot springs and she flipped me off. While I was really angry in the moment, I’m starting to feel like I got dragged down to her level and made an ass out of myself. Opinions?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
Kiefy-McReefer − If you don’t want your kids to see a flaccid penis at a nude hot spring there’s a very simple fix…. Don’t go to a nude hot spring.. NTA. Edit: I guess it’s fitting that my most upvoted comment is about a flaccid peen
KindlyCelebration223 − NTA.She took her kids to a hit spring that very clearly allows nudity. Don’t bring your kids there if you don’t want them to see nude people. It’s like taking kids to a petting zoo and being angry there are animals there.
She went there with the intention of making everyone behaving within the rules of the area to conform to her wants & demands to accommodate her & her kids. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Over_Maintenance_447 − Please change your user name on this throw away to NudeHotSpringGuy
[Reddit User] − NTA. She knowingly brought her kids in to an environment where they could have been exposed to nudity. What would she have done if there were 20 folks there in the buff? Fought them all?
It’s her own negligent poor parenting that put her children in that situation. She clearly expects the world to revolve around them, and that’s entitled AF. I’ll bet they all get participation trophies too.
anchoredwunderlust − I don’t really understand using an all genders nude space with kids if you’re going to sexualise nudity and your kids.
agent_x_75228 − NTA, but I think I would have played it differently, pointed at the signs and said, “Why would you bring your children to a hot spring that allows full nudity if you don’t want them to see that?!
Seems rather irresponsible to me and rather entitled to come here and then demand people put clothes on. It seems those signs are specifically to prevent these types of arguments from happening, but I guess a Karen will always be a Karen!” I’m a bigger A-hole than you!
scaffnet − Oh hey it’s the nude hot springs guy!. NTA. She’s a cunt.
BeeYehWoo − Imagine taking your kids to a location where nudity is acceptable and then being angry at finding n**ed people there. NTA
Lyzab77 − NTA. Sure, you could have handled it better. But it’s abnormal that someone insisted for you to leave because she wants HER children to be a priority. When you said “no” the first time, she should have accepted it.
Thre were two bad points for her : asking you to be “decent” in a place were nude people are allowed, and asking you to leave because she wants the place, as if she is better than you.
No is a complete answer. It’s time for people to realize that others are not supposed to obey to them !
avalisk − Based on the story you told just now? You’re abrasive but right.
AÂ 3rd party observer who you were previously friendly with told you you were an a**hole? You have your answer.
Is it fair to tie family reconciliation to financial restitution, or does it unfairly commodify relationships? What would you do if your parents jeopardized your financial future? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!