AITA for telling a stranger it was weird that they chose to sit next to me when the public transit was mostly empty?

A person riding a nearly empty streetcar found it odd when a stranger chose to sit right next to them, despite many available seats. They confronted the stranger, saying it was strange to sit so close. The stranger responded that they had the right to sit anywhere, dismissing the concern as unreasonable.
To avoid escalating the situation, the person moved to a different seat. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for telling a stranger it was weird that they chose to sit next to me when the public transit was mostly empty?’
So today I was on the streetcar, and it was nearly empty—about 20 seats were available. I was sitting by the window, and this random stranger decided to sit right next to me. Naturally, I’m thinking, “Why sit right beside me when there are so many empty seats?” So I said, “Why did you sit next to me?
There are so many other seats open. It’s just a little strange.” The guy shot back with, “Do you own this seat? I can sit wherever I want, you’re being unreasonable.” I told him, “Sure, I don’t own the spot. I just don’t get why you’d pick the seat right beside me when there are plenty of others.”
He basically repeated his point, and at that point, I decided to just get up and move because I didn’t want to escalate things. But in my mind, it felt like an unwritten rule of public transit that if there are lots of empty seats, you sit by yourself.. So, AITA for saying something?
See what others had to share with OP:
PunkWithADashOfEmo − NTA. I don’t know you, I don’t want to smell you, I don’t really even wanna look at you. We have plenty of space to ourselves, I’m gonna sit as far away as possible. Edit: You being the general public
Sore_Pussy − Not to assume but I’m guessing you’re a woman? It’s a deliberate, creepy power-play some men do to feel like they’re big and strong.
NTA good on you for calling it out. Edit: OP has clarified he’s a guy! I guess everyone has to take back the up votes or something?
Abject-Variety3775 − NTA. It is unwritten etiquette that you don’t sit next to someone if other seats are available.
Maximum-Ear1745 − NTA. You felt uncomfortable, and it is a weird thing to sit right next to a stranger when there are so many other seats available.
RantyMcThrowaway − NTA. I wish I had your bravery. The same thing has happened to me a couple of times, they know how uncomfortable it makes you feel and they don’t care. You did well by speaking up for yourself.
Unmasked_Zoro − “My ownership of the seat, or lack there of, does not alter the strangeness of you sitting in it. Nor does it reduce my curiosity as to why you would.”. NTA.
Particular-Try5584 − Urinal rules… start in opposite corners, then the middle, then every second one… until you are forced to be elbow to elbow with someone.. He broke the rules. You are NTA Probably shouldn’t derail the post with this question… but let me guess… are you female, and conventionally attractive?
wlrstsk − NTA my response would have been to move instead of asking a question. there’s little to be gained by engaging strangely behaving riders in conversation.
schrodingersdagger − Watch this guy have a meltdown when someone stands next to him at the urinal. There’s an a**hole here, and it’s not you.
annabelkel − NTA, that’s creepy. There are clear conventions for how you fill up the spots on public transport. The only acceptable variations to me are seating designated for specific people like elderly or mobility impaired or seats that are clearly superior for some reason (eg, front seats at the top of a double decker bus).
Was it fair to call out the stranger, or was the reaction excessive? What would you have done in this situation? Share your thoughts below!