AITA for telling a pregnant woman to sit on the ground instead of giving her my seat?


A Reddit user attended his nephews’ graduation and brought a folding chair to ensure he could sit comfortably while waiting in line. When a pregnant woman and her partner asked if she could use his chair, he declined, citing his own physical discomfort due to bad knees and feet. After he suggested she sit in her car or on the ground, the couple called him an “asshole.” Now, he’s wondering if he was wrong for prioritizing his own needs over hers. What do you think? Read on to decide.


‘ AITA for telling a pregnant woman to sit on the ground instead of giving her my seat?’

My nephews both graduated from high school this morning and I wanted to sit up front so I camped out a bit in front of the entrance. I brought my folding camping chair and my headphones to listen to my show.

About 40 minutes before the school would let us inside, a pregnant woman got next to me since somebody let her in line (I assume her partner). She asked me within 5 minutes (politely admittedly) if she could have my chair as she was going to have trouble standing the whole time. I said no, sorry I need it more (bad feet/knees) and went back to my things.


She asked me again within 2 minutes and the answer was the same. She however got a little mad at me and said that she was going to be struggling the whole time and asked her partner to tell me. He asked me himself (politely) and I again responded that sorry but I need it more and suggested she could wait in their car or just sit in the ground. At this point the husband directly called me an a**hole but left me alone. Aita

Here’s what the community had to contribute:

Realistic_Head4279 −  NTA. You refused to give up the chair you brought because you needed it due to your own health conditions. I do feel for the woman, but she and her partner should have brought their own chairs and not assumed they were entitled to yours.


UweeDewee −  NTA. If your pregnant and going to wait for over half hour, come prepared and don’t expect strangers with possible problems of their own to give up their seat.

[Reddit User] −  NTA You brought your own chair and relaxed in it. If the pregnant woman was so miserable standing she or her partner could have brought their own chair. I’m so tired of pregnant woman thinking people are AH because they don’t give them what they want.


PracticalPrimrose −  Need a chair?. Bring a chair.. NTA.

ZombieMcQueen −  NTA, no means no, the fact they kept asking is just rude. She should have brought her own chair.


Ok-Translator4184 −  NTA. Not your fault that you planned better than they did.

Realistic-You9997 −  NTA – I am so tired of pregnant woman thinking the world revolves around them just because they got knocked up. She could have brought her own chair, she would have been comfortable. The arrogance and audacity of a pregnant woman demanding someone else’s seat just because she’s pregnant is unfortunately not surprising


Shabushabu0505 −  NTA. I was pregnant last year and as I got bigger and knew when I couldn’t stand for long , I always made sure to have a plan. Like being my own chair or find something to sit on.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. As a previously pregnant person, I am delighted to hear you stood your ground. When you’re pregnant, you can go from feeling ok to not ok pretty quickly. But there are always other options rather than taking something from someone else. (Train and bus seats are different)


roomnotfound −  You’re NTA, but what’s with these comments putting her down for being “knocked up”? You guys are disgusting

Was the Redditor wrong for refusing to give up his chair, or should the pregnant woman and her partner have been more understanding of his own physical needs? How would you handle a situation like this? Share your thoughts below!


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