AITA for taking my brother to see the Barbie movie?

A 26-year-old Redditor shared on AmItheA**hole that he took his younger brother to the Barbie movie to cheer him up after a breakup with his boyfriend. They even dressed up in pink to embrace the fun of the outing, which lifted his brotherโ€™s spirits.

However, when he showed the photo to his girlfriend, she accused him of embarrassing her and implied that people might mistake him and his brother for a couple. Now, the girlfriend is giving him the cold shoulder, leaving him wondering if he was wrong to take his brother out.

‘ AITA for taking my brother to see the Barbie movie?’

I’m really confused about this whole situation. I (26m) have a younger brother (20m) who I’m really close with. He has really wanted to see the Barbie movie. He’s been sad lately after breaking up with his boyfriend, so I offered to take to him to see the movie with me and I even offered to wear pink with him and dress up.

He seemed really excited about and we went last night. He had a really good time and we took a picture. I was showing my girlfriend and she started saying how I embarrassed her by doing that and if people who know my brother see the picture they’re going to think we’re dating and some other stuff and she left the house.

Now she’s not talking to me. I’m really confused. I was just trying to do something nice for my brother but this is making me wonder if I did something wrong.

Hereโ€™s what people had to say to OP:

mrraditch2 says:

Fellas is it gay to have a brother?

JennBakesCakes1013 says:

NTA and she is ridiculous. And h**mophobic.

judgingA-holes says:

NTA – You were being a good brother. Your GF is either immature, h**mophobic, or both. You did nothing wrong here, and I’m sure your brother appreciates you spending time with him and being supportive in a time when he was down. If you GF won’t talk to you because you were being a supportive brother then good riddance honestly.

beanfiddler says:

NTA. Your GF is a homophobe and a t**xic gender-essentialist misogynist. What kind of freak gets *mad* at their BF for being a supportive older brother for his gay brother and confident enough in themselves to wear pink, dress up, and go see Barbie?

You sound like a nice secure dude who’s a family guy and you deserve much better than an immature girlfriend. Maybe she should see Barbie. She could learn something about feminism.

DiscoTech1639 says:

NTA How old is your girlfriend? This seems like a very immature response

AtheistComic says:

NTA. Your girlfriend is a homophobe.

Too-Paranoid says:

You did nothing wrong. It’s very kind of you to cheer up your brother like this! She’s overreacting for sure. NTA

EveningAd6728 says:

Dude this should be your ex girlfriend. She crazy jealous of your brother๐Ÿคฃ

SneakySneakySquirrel says:

NTA at all. Sheโ€™s afraid that someone will see you at the pink sparkly movie with a gay man and assume that youโ€™re gay. Because she sees being assumed gay or feminine as bad things. Think about whether or not sheโ€™s a safe person for your brother to be around.

And think about whether you want to be limited by her narrow idea of masculinity.
Too bad you didnโ€™t take her along, though. It sounds like she needed to see Barbieโ€™s take on gender roles more than anyone.

HeirOfRavenclaw says:

NTA. Congrats you are a good brother and have a h**mophobic girlfriend

What do you think? Was OP in the wrong for supporting his brother, or is his girlfriend overreacting?


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