AITA for taking literally everything back after my boyfriend cheated on me?

A Redditor (24F) shares a painful and dramatic story of discovering her boyfriend (26M) cheating after five years together. While working late one night, she surprised him at home, only to catch him in bed with another woman.
Heartbroken and furious, she immediately kicked him out and, after a much-needed rest, drained their shared bank account, changed the locks, and took back all possessions bought with her own money—including essential disability aids and medications he was supposed to repay.
Now, others are criticizing her for her actions, especially for withholding medical supplies, but she feels justified given the betrayal. To see how this unfolded and whether the Redditor was wrong for her actions, read the full story below…
‘ AITA for taking literally everything back after my boyfriend cheated on me?’
I(24f) have been with my boyfriend(26m) for 5 years now, and I truly thought he was the one, but it seems I was wrong. I work long days and come home late and I was supposed to work overtime one night so I would be home even later.
I wound up not having to and I decided not to call him so I could surprise him when I got home, only to find him in bed with another woman. I kicked him out of the house then and there and haven’t seen him or his mistress since. That was nearly a week ago.
After I’d slept because I was dead tired, I drained everything from our shared bank account, changed all the locks on our doors, and took everything that had ever been bought with my money and refused to give any of it to him, including the forearm crutches he bought with my money, and the meds he was meant to pay me back for.
Now, I’m being told I am a terrible person and shouldn’t be withholding disability aids and medications from him. AITA or is this justified since it was all bought with my money?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Material_Assumption − Hold up, let me make sure I understand this right. Dude needs forearm crutches, is diagnosed with MS and unemployed. The only thing keeping him afloat is his GF who works OT and foot all the bills.
So he decided to cheat? Like this was a great idea? I’d like to believe that this is so outrageous that it can’t be real, but if it is, NTA and give him his meds (walkers stays tho)
hellbentdistruction − NTA- why doesn’t his new girlfriend help him out. He can go get another prescription and he can go get another set of crutches- if he is well enough to s**ew around and find out then he is well enough for a desk job and payment plan meds.
AesirMimyr − It might be illegal to keep the meds if they were prescribed to him
thaleia10 − Ha! My ex cheated on me when he went home (overseas). When he came back he asked for his saucepan set and other kitchen stuff back. I said sure, just pay me back for all the money I spent on your visa and other stuff and you can take them. I still have that fine saucepan set.
adobeacrobatreader − NTA. If all the money in the shared bank account is yours. YTA and a t**ef if it was both your incomes.
JazTheWannabeQT − Hey so you’re within your rights to do whatever you want, but with holding his meds is illegal l, if your names not on the bottle you’re opening yourself up to prison time with holding medication
StnMtn_ − Cheaters should get what’s coming to them. As long as stopping the meds are not life threatening.
Slow_Ambassador_6316 − Protect yourself, but also stay a human. You can be angry all you want, but at least give him the crutches and meds … No need to be generous or over the top human being, but crutches and meds is just being a human…
savinathewhite − You are NTA for keeping what is yours. That said, his medication, mobility aids and disability money are points where he could legitimately cause you legal problems.
Were it me, I’d say give him what was *provably* and legally his, just to get it over and out of your life. You don’t need to be charged with a crime. Does he deserve your empathy? Nope. Do you want to protect yourself from liability? Absolutely.
If he wants the rest of his things, he can submit the list in writing, then make an agreed day (with witnesses) for him to come get the box of things from the door or driveway – so you don’t have to meet with him. It’s questionably legal for you to have evicted him (if he’s been a long term resident), so bear that in mind.
Giving him his things or disability money etc, means the likelihood of him suing you for wrongful eviction, theft or whatnot, goes down. Him being a piece of human trash doesn’t mean there aren’t laws that you might be breaking.
If in doubt, speak to a lawyer in your jurisdiction, but my advice is to give him the items you could be legally compromised by withholding. No need to be *nice* about it though.
chaingun_samurai − Stealing presciption meds can get you arrested. Jus’ sayin’.
Do you think the Redditor’s actions were justified after discovering her boyfriend’s infidelity, or was taking everything back too extreme? Was she wrong for withholding medical supplies, or does she have every right to take what she paid for? How would you have handled the situation? Share your thoughts and opinions below!