AITA for stopping financial support for my son after finding out he has a gambling addiction?

A Reddit user (F, 50s) discovered that her 26-year-old son, whom she had been financially supporting, had developed a gambling addiction. After uncovering that most of the money she gave him was being spent on online casinos, she confronted him and stopped providing financial support unless he sought professional help. Her son became angry, accusing her of betrayal and saying he doesn’t need help. The user is now questioning if she made the right decision by cutting him off financially.
‘ AITA for stopping financial support for my son after finding out he has a gambling addiction?’
I (F, 50s) have a 26-year-old son who lives on his own and works a good job in marketing. He’s always been a responsible young man in my eyes, but recently he started reaching out to me for financial help. He said he had big expenses that he needed assistance with, and as a parent, I was more than happy to help him out when he asked.
A couple of weeks ago, I visited him unexpextedly. While I was at his place, I noticed that he had left his bank statements out on the table. I glanced at them, and I couldn’t belive what I saw. The majority of his money was going to online casinos, and there were large amounts of cash withdrawls. It was all adding up, and it becam clear that he had been using the money I had been sending him to fuel a gambling addiction.
When I confronted my son about it, I asked him what the “big expenses” were that he’d been claiming he needed money for. He couldn’t give me any clear answers. He just kept saying things like “it’s personal” or “I’ll explain later,” but never really clarified what these supposed expenses were. At that point, I knew something wasn’t adding up.
I told him that I could no longer support him finacially unless he sought profesional help for his gambling. I made it clear that I wouldn’t continue enabling his addiction by giving him money. He got really upset, calling me unsupportive and accusing me of betraying him. He insists that he doesn’t need help and that he’ll figure it out on his own, but I don’t think he realizes the graviety of the situation.
I love my son, but I’m trying to do what’s best for him in the long run. I don’t want to enable this behavour any longer, but I’m also feeling torn. I’m just not sure if I’m doing the right thing by cutting him off financially, especially since he’s so angry with me. AITA for stopping my financial support and telling him he needs profesional help to deal with his gambling addiction?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
sexxybbabyy − You’re not wrong for cutting him off. You’re just trying to help him, even if it’s tough love. He’s mad now, but he’ll probably see it later. You’re doing what’s best for him, even if it feels like betrayal to him right now. Keep sticking to your boundaries!
Candid_Process1831 − NTA, you did the right thing by stoping to give him money! He needs to get help asap!
Sweetest_Teaz − Definitely NTA. You’re not ‘betraying’ your son, you’re refusing to bankroll his spiral into debt. Enabling him isn’t love…holding him accountable is. If anything, his reaction proves he’s not ready to face the problem yet. You’re setting a healthy boundary by requiring professional help as a condition for support. Stay strong, even if he’s angry. Sometimes love looks like tough decisions, not free cash for online blackjack.
ChloeCutesey − NTA. It’s tough love, but sometimes that’s the only call. Can’t keep fueling the fire if he’s not ready to admit there’s a problem. It’s a rough spot but stick to your guns.
SnowQuiet9828 − for your information, I assume the cash withdrawals are for drugs and not gambling…
HinataLoveley − NTA. It’s a tough call, but you’re definitely not the bad guy for choosing to stop the financial flow once you realized it was fueling a gambling habit rather than helping with genuine needs. It’s clear you care deeply about your son’s well-being, and sometimes love means taking the hard steps that might not be appreciated in the moment but are crucial for long-term health and stability. Offering to support him through recovery rather than his roulette habit shows you’re still in his corner, just not in the way he wants right now.
Spiritual-Cap1379 − Addicts don’t change or get help successfully until they’ve hit rock bottom, often enough. You can’t enable him if you want him to start to recover. I’m so sorry. You made the right decision. You may need to find yourself a support group.. NTA.
Sofiahonest − NTA. You’re protecting your son by not enabling his gambling addiction and encouraging him to seek help. It’s tough, but it’s the right choice…
Thin_Importance_4616 − Stop giving him money NOW!! Gambling addiction is not a joke and he needs to get professional help asap. Your are not the AH!
YakOk2818 − It’s a disease just like alcohol and drugs. You decide but most would say no.