AITA for stealing my neighbor’s cat?

A person shares their experience of taking in a neighbor’s neglected cat after it was left outside in freezing weather. The cat, originally an indoor pet, was put outdoors because the neighbors had visitors with a dog.
Since being taken in, the cat has shown signs of poor health, including fleas, congestion, and a fractured tooth. While the user intends to take the cat to the vet, they’re considering keeping it due to the neglect. They wonder if this makes them an AH. Read their full story below.
‘ AITA for stealing my neighbor’s cat?’
This past weekend, a very sweet cat started showing up on my doorstep and since I had never seen her around before, I assumed she was someone’s lost cat. I took some pictures of her and made a Facebook post to see if anyone knew whose cat she was. I then left a bowl of water and some cat food on the porch for her and a little box with a blanket in it for her to sleep in if she wanted. And I went inside.
Later that night, I saw the same cat nearly get hit by a car, so I decided to call my landlady and see if she knew of the people next door having a cat that may have gotten out. There are several people that live in the house next to me but only one of them speaks English so I could have gone over there myself, but usually when I try to communicate with them it does not get me very far.
My landlady said she did not know of them having a cat but she would ask. The next day, I was about to take this cat to a vet clinic to have her checked for a microchip and I get a text from the landlady saying that it is in fact the neighbor’s cat.
Apparently, they had visitors who had a dog with them and because the cat and the dog didn’t get along, their solution to that was to put their previously indoor-only cat outside. Supposedly the visitors were leaving that night and she would be back inside.
Around 8:30pm that night, the cat was still on my doorstep, crying to be let in. It was also like 35 degrees outside. With my neighbors nowhere in sight, I scooped her up and brought her inside. I informed my landlady that I had done this and that they can come knock on my door if they want me to give her back. That was 3 days ago and the cat is still with me.
Since she’s been in my care I have discovered that she has fleas, is sneezing and congested, and has a significantly fractured Canine tooth. I gave her one of my cat’s Nexgards for the fleas for now, but she needs more extensive care than that.
I also have no idea if she is spayed, vaccinated, etc. If she is still with me by the weekend I am going to make her a vet appointment because she needs one. But if I pay a vet bill, I am keeping this cat. Does that make me the a**hole?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
4th_chakra − You can’t put an indoor cat outside. They’re not prepared, and don’t know how to survive, let alone navigate all the strange areas and smells. She was literally lost, all but abandoned because of a visiting dog, and no one seemed to be in a rush to welcome her back in. Add on the fleas, dental problems, and poor health.
That’s n**lect. You didn’t steal the cat. The poor thing needed a loving home. You’re on a rescue mission. You sound like a better kitty parent than what your neighbors were offering. Get her cleaned up, take her to the vet, and welcome her home.. NTA
Ok_Masterpiece_9321 − Well, I would say NTA – they can’t just put her outside if she was indoor only before. That’s cruel. And if they didn’t come to get her by now, that means to me that they don’t want her anymore. They are TA!
But maybe you want to make sure that you can keep her if it comes to them collecting her. They own her and actually they could get her back if they want. But maybe you want to keep her indoors only and tell them that she run away if they are coming to get her. 🤣
kimba-the-tabby-lion − When I brought my newly adopted cat to a vet, they checked her microchip and confirmed I was the registered keeper. This was in the UK, but I assume it’s common practice. So you might not be able keep the cat, even if you pay for vet care.
And even if it’s not chipped, if they decide they want the cat back, if they have photos they can pretty well prove you stole it, so you could lose it anyway You’d be much better off talking to the neighbours and asking if you can keep her.. NTA, though.
StayEcstatic4331 − Six or seven years ago my neighbors cat walked in my door behind my wife. He was underfed, not neutered, not vaccinated, and spent his days outside dodging coyotes and other animals. He’s currently sitting next to me on the sofa. You are NTA. You are just benefitting from the cat distribution system.
shikakaaaaaaa − Save that poor kitty. If it were me, I’d take it to the vet to get all fixed up and chip it with me as the owner. Then if neighbor asks for cat back, say nothing but do show them a copy of the vet bill (remove your personal info first) so they will see how much you’re expecting from them.
They’ll likely not pay and abandon the cat but hopefully will be so freaked out by the vet costs that it deters them from getting another cat or other pet. And no matter what the ultimate outcome, to ease its suffering, I would be taking it to the vet for meds to get better and have that tooth tended to. It’s suffering. NTA
GuyFromLI747 − NTA .. im not a person that would ever let a cat outside unless on a leash or in some pen or kennel for their safety.. live on a highway, people don’t care in a car, not to mention other wildlife.. those people neglected their cat and they haven’t bothered o come get the cat so s**ew them.. you rescued the kitty since it was abandoned so give her the home and love she deserves
Worth-Season3645 − NTA…If they want the cat back, they can pay your vet bill. But, I would just feign innocence. What cat? Sorry. Someone else must have taken it in.
[Reddit User] − Legally, you may be at risk, but morally, NTA.
elgrn1 − I would get the landlady to ask the neighbours for their vet/insurance details so the costs can be covered under their policy in case they have one (they probably don’t but its worth a try). Then ask them to surrender the cat to you.
They seem like the kind of people who’d happily let you cover the vet bills and then claim you stole their pet. As pets are considered property, you’d have to give the cat back. And then the cat would just end up neglected again.. Be smart about this.
EtherealGleam1 − NTA. not the a**hole at all! you are saving that cat’s life. That cat wouldn’t make it without you. I have a cat and I prioritize my cat over my friends pets. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends pets but I will not jeopardize my cats safety.
Do you think the user is justified in keeping the cat due to the apparent neglect, or should they attempt to return the pet despite the circumstances? How would you handle a situation like this? Share your thoughts below!