AITA for starting my period on my boyfriend’s lap?’

An 18-year-old woman experienced an unfortunate incident while sitting on her boyfriend’s lap during a movie when she unexpectedly started her period, leaving blood stains on his favorite jeans.

After realizing what happened, she apologized, but her boyfriend reacted by shouting at her and storming off, blaming her for ruining the jeans. Although he later apologized for his outburst, he still expressed anger over the situation, leading her to feel guilty and upset. Now, she’s questioning if she is at fault for what occurred.

‘ AITA for starting my period on my boyfriend’s lap?’

I (18f) love my boyfriend (21m) but yesterday we got into an arguement that made me very upset.Yesterday my boyfriend and I were watching a movie together and I was sitting on his lap. I got up to get drinks halfway through, but when I sat up I noticed that there was blood on his jeans.

Moments later he noticed it too, and I apologised, realising I must have started my period. My boyfriend freaked out and started shouting at me, asking why I’d ruined his favourite jeans. He stomped up to the bedroom and slammed the door.

I felt pretty upset and guilty, especially when I checked my period tracker and realised I was due to start today, and I should have been more wary that I was close to starting my period. Today he’s apologised for shouting, but says he still upset about the jeans.

He thinks I should have been more careful knowing that I was due to start my period today. I’ve tried to wash the jeans but they’re still stained. I feel guilty but also upset that he got so angry with me.. So, am I the a**hole?

Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

PhilosopherInside956 −  NTA. Not like you peed on him! You can’t control your period. He sounds like an ass. This is a red flag for me. Side note for the future, use ice cubes and rub on blood spots and dab with an old rag. Repeat until stain is lifted then wash in cold water. Cold everything for blood stains.

IamIrene −  NTA. Losing track was a simple mistake, it wasn’t on purpose. His response was waaaay over the top here, he’s definitely the AH, especially because cold water rinses that blood right out. Consider this a giant red flag. Someone who really loves you wouldn’t react this badly to a natural, feminine process.

whynotzoidberg2221 −  Aw, f**k that. NSFW Trigger Warning:

I was once going down on my gf and we realised she started her period. It wasn’t ideal, but being grown functional adults we responded calmly, cleaned ourselves up and had a cup of tea. That’s how to deal with such things.

Your bf is a massive baby who’s clearly not ready for a relationship with a woman. FFS don’t apologise to the prat.. NTA, obviously.

No_Career5209 −  Can you control your blood flow? Did you know you were going to bleed on his jeans?. Did you do it on purpose? No. You know you’re not at fault here so don’t let him make you think you are. He’s being a d**k

Birdy8588 −  So I have PCOS and last Monday I woke up and realised I had “flooded” and it had o**rwhelmed my mooncup. I literally lept out of bed (thank god I’d been on my side and it spared the bed) and there was blood running down the insides of both of my legs and I had to rush to the bathroom.

It went over the carpets, the bathroom mats, the toilet, me (obviously) and my knickers. I yelled to my boyfriend to please just bring me a new pair of knickers and he told me to jump in the shower and cleaned EVERYTHING for me whilst I was in there, telling me not to worry!!! Find yourself a man like that sweetheart ❤️

Fun_Milk_4560 −  NTA. You do both realize it’s not like periods can be held in until an opportune moment to unleash the flood gate. I personally wouldn’t date a guy who isn’t mature enough to handle a basic bodily function of mine.

Worldliness-Weary −  PLEASE RUN. This is a 21 year old grown man who threw a tantrum like you peed on him or something. Accidents happen, and you don’t deserve to be yelled at and berated. He needs to grow up and realize that if you ever have a daughter she’ll more than likely have a period too. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Dairinn −  As a heavy bleeder and very clumsy finger-chopper, immediately rinse the stain with plenty of cold water, then put a stain-removing product (one that doesn’t destroy colour) on the spotted area and leave for 10-25 mins. And then put them in the wash. Hot water will actually do a lot more damage and affix the stain to the fabric.

[Reddit User] −  Another dude who doesn’t understand how periods work. It’s gonna happen every month unless you get pregnant so he should educate himself now. I can understand an initial reaction because if he’s squeamish but uhhh no. Nope nope nope. Side note: I thought the title said “on my boyfriends laptop” and I was like uhhh….

Careless_League_9494 −  Holy crap…. Definitely NTA, but holy s**t is your boyfriend ever! Like what, does he think you can control when it starts, and stops like a f**king faucet?

Not to mention the fact that he’s literally getting pissed off, and shaming you for a bodily function that every single person with a uterus, who hasn’t gone through menopause, has to deal with.

Honestly if I were you I would be telling him that he can either grow up, apologize, and educate himself on how menstrual cycles actually work, or he can find himself a new girlfriend who is okay with his misogynistic crap.

Was it reasonable for her boyfriend to react so strongly, or did he overreact to an unavoidable situation? How should couples handle such incidents with understanding and empathy? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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