AITA for standing my ground about legally using a handicapped parking spot to vote?


A Reddit user with arthritis, using a legal handicap placard, recounts an intense experience trying to park in a designated handicap spot at a crowded early voting center.

When the line blocked the spot and refused to move, a heated exchange unfolded, leading the user to stand their ground and eventually involve an election worker to clear the space. However, tensions escalated, and now they’re questioning if they went too far. Read the full story below to decide who was in the wrong…


‘ AITA for standing my ground about legally using a handicapped parking spot to vote?’

Quick backstory, I have arthritis in both knees and have been going between the surgeon and my GP at the VA to figure out replacing them. I have a legal and current handicapped parking placard for this.


I pulled into the parking lot of the early voting center in town, and folks were blocking the handicapped parking spot with the line to vote. I pulled up, put my head out the open window, and nicely asked them to move so I could park there. My parking placard was hanging from my rearview mirror.

Folks shuffled there feet and looked like they weren’t going to move when one woman from further back in the line starting yelling for no one to move. It was a handicapped parking space. Huge symbol painted on the ground. Sign up on the metal post.


I ask again saying it is a legal parking spot and would people please move. I am carefully watching my words at this point. Again the woman in the back starts yelling I’m wrong and tries to engage me with arguing and when someone went to move she again yelled, for no one to move.

At this point my wife got out of the car to get an election official. I was pissed and realized this goblin was not going to relent. I explained I was going to call the police for blocking a handicapped parking pot and election interference. She told me I should. She is yelling, cursing and went full ad hominem.


Not going to lie I argued back until I realized her circular logic was making it all about her. The election worker showed up and had them move the line, explaining they couldn’t block any parking spots. Unhappy she had to move and I could park she starts loudly telling the poll worker I was being an insolent a**hole.

A male voice I hadn’t heard before also screamed I was wrong and made some questionable observations regarding my ancestry. Having enough I took my shot and condescendingly said, ”Ok sweetie, you should just calm down.”


I’m fully aware after decades of marriage this is a move no man should use without a cup, but as fate would have it I was still sitting in my vehicle. So after I parked and we all headed to the back of the line I picked up one of the four to five chairs along the line for folks who have trouble standing in line.

Immediately, she starts yelling at me that I was not allowed to take the chairs they had put out for other people. I rolled my eyes in her general direction, walked to the back of the line and sat down in the chair awaiting my turn.


She kept clucking for a bit. Now I’m pissed but I’m also wondering AITA? My wife who is non-confrontational was bothered. My teen was embarrassed her first time voting.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

Dittoheadforever −  Of course you’re NTA. You just had the misfortune to encounter a thoroughly miserable A-H who likes the spread her misery to others.


Puzzleheaded-Age-240 −  NTA – I don’t know what’s wrong with people. What on earth did they think they were gaining (or losing) over refusing to let someone park??? Glad you got what you needed to vote. The officials backed you up appropriately, which is also good to hear. 

National_Pension_110 −  NTA. And I give you props for sharing a story that warms my heart. You are within your rights and I’m glad you stood your ground. Also happy to hear the poll workers had your back. S**t’s gonna get real on the actual Election Day if it’s this heated a week out.


Sinistrina −  NTA – I don’t really see how you *could* be the AH. You had a right to park in that spot, you didn’t say anything mean to the even meaner lady, and you handled it well by getting the officials involved… and they even agreed with you.

IamCJO −  NTA and I’ll preface this with IANAL, just a fellow disabled guy who knows his rights. She should be glad the cops didn’t show up, as blocking a person with disabilities from being able to use the parking space legally designated for their use is illegal and she would have been cited for it.


In my state, CO, the fine for blocking a handicapped parking spot is $350–$1,000 for the first offense, $600–$1,000 for the second offense, and $1,000–$5,000 and up to 10 hours of community service for the third and subsequent offenses.

When you add in the voting interference, those are federal-level felony charges, especially since you are disabled and that is considered a protected minority.


The guy shouting r**ist BS could potentially have been charged in that scenario as well. Good for you for standing your ground and standing up for yourself and your family, even while sitting down.

Imaginary-Wallaby-37 −  NTA. As election worker, we can only do so much to handle people who just show up to be jackasses because it’s “their day to shine.” I’m sorry that you had this experience, and I hope that you are able to have a good conversation with your teen about the importance of elections.


wesmorgan1 −  NTA all the way. Handicapped parking spaces don’t disappear at voting locations, and you were legally entitled to use that space. I’m glad you got your point across with the assistance of a poll worker.

WolfSilverOak −  NTA. They were in the wrong, hence the election official making them move. Unfortunately, things like this and how she acted, as well as the other person, are only going to get worse until the election is over, if even then.


Greedy_Increase_4724 −  “made some questionable remarks regarding my ancestry”…shocked 😂NTA

bigfatkitty2006 −  NTA. My spouse has arthritis…. everywhere, and uses handicapped parking when needed.


Do you think the Reddit user was right to stand firm about accessing a legal handicap spot, or was the confrontation avoidable? How would you handle a similar situation if your accessibility needs were questioned? Share your thoughts below!

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