AITA for spiking my leftovers with Ghost Pepper flakes to teach my brother a lesson?

A Reddit user shared a story about their frustration with their younger brother constantly eating their food without permission. After a series of failed talks, the user decided to teach their brother a lesson by spiking the last of their leftover pizza with Ghost Pepper flakes. When their brother ate the pizza, he had an intense reaction, crying for an hour from the heat. Now, the user is questioning if they went too far in their attempt to punish him. Read the full story below to find out more.
‘Â AITA for spiking my leftovers with Ghost Pepper flakes to teach my brother a lesson?’
So my little brother is notorious for eating other people’s food knowing it’s not his. After several talking to’s from my parents he still doesn’t care and if anything he will only eat mine and my sister’s food which is still annoying. A few nights back we ordered pizzas from this one joint and we all order our own. I wasn’t home that night but my dad took my order anyways knowing I’d eat it the next day.
Since all the boxes are the same and some pizzas look the same we write our names on the boxes to easily differentiate the pies, you’d think this would stop my brother but it didn’t. I got home the next morning pretty hungry and dying to have some of my pizza. I open the fridge grab MY BOX and lo and behold there’s only 2 slices left.
I know my sister didn’t eat it because she hates pepperoni, it wasn’t my mom because she’s vegan, and my dad doesn’t eat anyone’s pizza without asking so I knew damn well it was my fatass little brother who ate not only his pizza but pretty much 3/4 of mine too.
I’m beyond pissed at this point because the place we order from is really good and two small slices isn’t going to cut it for me. Knowing my brother would kill the rest of my box soon I decided to sprinkle Ghost Pepper flakes on the last two slices. We actually grow the peppers too so we have bunch in the freezer and a little jar of flakes for my sister and dad.
So I’m in the living room minding my own and my little brother comes down to eat again and he’s on his phone so he’s barely paying attention. This fat f**k has the audacity to grab my pizza right in front of me too which just annoyed me even more. After he finishes nuking it he bites into one slice and I get up to the fridge to grab and hide the milk. I hear him freaking out and he didn’t stop crying for an hour.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
inthefamily69 − Lmao, nice. Nah man, NTA. Your little bro is a shitlord and deserved that lesson.
mrichelieu − The a**hole we needed. I have no sympathy for food thieves. It was creative. Doesn’t hurt anyone. And teaches him a lesson. He ate his whole pizza. And tried to eat all of yours. I’m sorry. I know he’s a kid. But at this rate, he’s going to end up with a problem like Sandwich Guy (it wasn’t as huge a sub as Subway, it was from a local store but at least HE offered to buy more food for the group.) and that guy who ate an entire party’s worth of pizza and snacks.
They both might have some serious issues with food and may need help. But this kid is young and maybe it won’t get that bad because OP did something to show him that isn’t okay. Talking didn’t work. Ghost peppers did. And even though you’re angry, please don’t call him or anyone a fatass. I understand how you feel. Still, in this case, despite name calling, YTA. But the a**hole that was needed. P.S. Why was he crying so long? Can’t he just drink water or brush his teeth?
[Reddit User] − NTA. This is just good old sibling rivalry. Sounds pretty harmless and like you all will still love each other the next day.
somecallme_doc − I mean, ESH. but the little bro def earned it. Sometimes you just have to be the a**hole they deserve.
thelizzybee − NTA. The food was clearly labeled for you, and he knew that he should not have been eating it.
PAGinger − NTA but I’m officially going to hell for laughing at your post.
hiimbobross − NTA, eating other peoples food is a massive d**k move.
alex_moose − NTA. But do be aware that doing this to your lunch at work for example can be deemed illegal unless you regularly eat your food with ghost pepper on it. It’s considered a booby trap and a**ault. So limit your lesson teaching to immediate family.
Iamthenewme − INFO How old are you and your little brother?
PhantomWolfZero − He’s 14 and I’m 19.