AITA for signing out of all devices and deleting my SILs Netflix account that I pay for every month?


A Reddit user shared a story about the frustration of sharing a Netflix account with her husband’s sister. Despite only having a single-screen plan, her sister-in-law began using the account frequently, preventing the original user from accessing it.

Frustrated after multiple attempts to watch her own shows, she signed out of all devices and deleted her sister-in-law’s profile, which led to family tensions. Read the full story below to see how the situation escalated.


‘ AITA for signing out of all devices and deleting my SILs Netflix account that I pay for every month?’

My husband and I share a Netflix account with the Basic Plan (only one screen) and we have an understanding that if one of us is watching something, we let them be and do something else.


Recently, my SIL (who isn’t very pleasant and whom I don’t get along with) asked my husband for Netflix account details. My husband informed me that he would be sharing the login details. I thought it was a one time thing and was ok with it.

But it so happened that every time I sat down to watch, I couldn’t because she was using it. She made profile for herself as well.
Now the catch is, she lives in Europe and I live in Asia so I guess Netflix is cheaper here? Idk.


I got irritated the third time I sat down to watch and couldn’t because she was using it. When I told my husband this, he told me that she hasn’t used it in two weeks. So I assumed someone else is leaching off of me.

I signed out of all devices and then deleted her profile. And now apparently she is pissed and my husband is pissed that I was being so petty. She now wants my husband to create a new account for her from our country so she can use it in her country.. I know I was petty, but a**hole?


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

Anibe −  NTA. You were told she wasn’t using it, so I’m not sure what the husband can be pissed about here. Signing out and deleting an unused account is the right move when suspecting unauthorized access anyway. Netflix might even terminate your account, they’re not meant to be shared between different households, let alone continents.

Ok_Homework_7621 −  NTA – She literally asking for you to pay for her Netflix. The basic one here is €10. How much cheaper could yours be? She can pay for it herself.


Unapologetic_Canuck −  NTA. I thought Netflix was cracking down on account sharing? It would be pretty obvious to them if your account was being used in two different countries. Either way, if she wants access that badly, she can pony up the money for it.

sooki8 −  NTA. It goes against netflix terms of use. Also it was meant to be once off. What is the point of having an account if you can not watch a show? I feel like all those saying YTA or ESH are currently mooching off someone else’s streaming service.


ForTheHordeKT −  NTA. I have a pretty simple rule if I do ever allow someone to share something of mine. It better be available when I want to use it, if I’m the one who bought or paid for it.

The last thing I had to put my foot down about was the phone charger I keep stashed at work. I finally drew the line when my phone would start getting unplugged in the middle of a recharge. Now nobody is using the fucker but me.


The offending co-worker was all pissed about it, but I have no problem being the bad guy in your narrative because your freeloading ass went from appreciation to entitlement. Once you cross that line, you’re done.

adamixa1 −  My country is in ASIA, Netflix already imposed some kind of restrictions to avoid people from sharing accounts. Heck even my new TV needs email confirmation every time I want to watch something.


Back to your story, NTA if the story is true based on the above reason. It’s a correct action anyway before they start an IP ban on your country

BigMax −  NTA. Ask him why he’s upset with you. Remind him that it was HIM that told you she wasn’t watching. So what else were you to conclude other than someone was using that account to steal your netflix? Ask him if you were supposed to just NOT watch Netflix while some hacker or whoever out there just took over your account.


TopAd7154 −  Nope. NTA. She needs to get her own. 

EducationalRoyal3880 −  NTA. Tell that ungrateful n**ty freeloader to p**s off and pay for her own netflix account


Lyzab77 −  NTA – Why do you pay for her ? If she’s minor, she has parents to pay for. If she’s an adult, she can pay for Netflix.

Do you think the user’s decision to remove her sister-in-law’s access was fair, or should she have found a compromise? How would you handle the challenges of sharing streaming accounts with extended family? Share your thoughts below!


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One Comment

  1. Patti Lisenbee 3 months ago

    YOU are paying for Netflix. she isn’t. Your desired watching comes first. She’s being entitled. Netflix could cancel your account for sharing to another country. Let her pay for Netflix herself! Tell your husband to back you up or sleep on the couch.