AITA for “shaming” my sister to my parents because she and her friends broke the hot tub because she didn’t bother to fill it up after the got out?

One person from Reddit shares a tense family situation where they, a 17-year-old, have had a longstanding animosity with their 21-year-old sister. While their parents were away, the sister hosted a party, during which she and her friends, who are all notably large, overflowed the hot tub and failed to refill it.

Despite being warned, the sister dismissed the advice. When their father returned, he found the hot tub broken and was furious, especially since he relied on it for pain relief. The sister lied about the situation, leading to a confrontation. The Redditor informed their father of the truth, resulting in family tension.

Now, the sister accuses them of shaming her, leaving the Redditor wondering if they were in the wrong. Read the original story below…

‘ AITA for “shaming” my sister to my parents because she and her friends broke the hot tub because she didn’t bother to fill it up after the got out?’

I’m 17 and my sister is 21. We’ve hated each other (and I mean legit hate, I don’t recall ever thinking a positive thing about her). She is home for the summer and being a general pain in my ass. My parents were out of town this week and she had a party for all her friends.

I’m not being mean but it’s a fact that my sister and her friends are very large. I guess my sister is more “thic” but the others are big. They got into the hot tub and while it was too many people no matter what, because they are so big a huge amount of the water overflowed over the side.

The hot tub is right outside my window so I could see and hear that the pump wasn’t getting enough water after the got out. I yelled out my window that she needed to put the hose in it since it can’t run dry. She told me to mind my own business.

I went out to do it myself but by the time I got there the pump was making a weird noise and then the breaker popped. The next day she did fill it up but she didn’t know why jt wouldn’t start and I didn’t care enough to tell her about the circuit breaker.

When my dad got him he wanted to sit in tub because he as a really painful back condition and basically running the pump without water ruined it and my dad is furious. My sister lied to him and said that it was just like that and even she and her friends didn’t get to use it.

I told him that actually no she and her f** friends overflowed it and then she ran the pump dry and she told me to mind my business when I told her how to fix it . My mom is so freaked out about my sisters self esteem that she is mad at me for calling my sister f**, my dad is furious with my sister because he needs the hot tub to relax his back or he doesn’t sleep.

My dad is mad at my mom for coddling my sister and the house is even more tense than usual. My sister says I caused all the problems because I’m a snitch and a f** shamer. There’s so much more but I’m running out of room. AITA?. Edit: I’m a girl

Here’s what the community had to contribute:

[Reddit User] −  My mom is so freaked out about my sisters self esteem. This is the ‘actual problem’ where people will deny reality to live in denial. Your sister sucks, and even chose to lie about something you tried to help her prevent, while being obnoxious toward you.. NTA.

WholeAd2742 −  NTA. The issue isn’t that she’s fat, it’s that she was dismissive and ignored the damage being caused to the pump, and then lied about it. Mom’s coddling is dumb when she literally broke it

Osseh1 −  OP NTA. If a device is broken, the best way to find out how to fix it is by telling what happened to it. This is exactly what you did. Your father has a medical reason to use the hot tub, which is in every way more important than your sisters self esteem or feelings.

You even told here it would break down if she did not fill it up. Sister is the TA and your mother is pretty close to it as well. Your sister should’ve just been honest to your father which she didn’t. Hopefully your father is able to fix it soon enough.

Sympathy_Main −  NTA – You told her there was a problem, she didn’t care. The problem resulted in the hot tub being broken. “My sister says I caused all the problems because I’m a snitch”. The problem is not the snitch, but the one who cause the problem.

Hellsfire82 −  NTA – your sister sounds like an e**itled b**t. Your mom needs to release the her from her bosom. Your sister is a grown adult, you tried to give her a stern warning that she didn’t heed and she damaged someone else’s property (your Parents).

I agree that you had the right to speak the truth just as your dad has the right to be pissed about it being broken and your mom coddling your sister. Your mom and sister are TA here. If you use someones stuff, you should always treat it better than you treat your own items.

Your sister or her friends weight/size really doesn’t change the fact that she should have been responsible enough to heed your warnings, say thanks for the advice, and refilled the hot tub before she destroyed your parents property. Your mom needs to stop enabling her as she is a grown adult and needs to stand on her own.

The least your sister should do is get a part time job and fix the hot tub for your dad asap, or pay him back for the damage as he will have to get it fixed for his own health.

pjjj2007 −  NTA. There’s a n**ty family dynamic going on here where your mother’s coddling is preventing your sister from developing any resilience. She has to take responsibility for her actions. Stay away from the “f**” word, though.

You didn’t need to say that in order to tell what happened. I’m not even sure why the word is masked, unless there really is that much shame in it.

DoIwantToKnow6417 −  No need for the whole story.. Basically: Your sister and her friends got in the hot tub. There were too many people in the tub (no need to add their bodyweight). The water overflowed. You told her to fill the tub up because the pump was running dry.

She told you to **mind your own business** and **did NOT** fill the hot tub.. The breaker popped.. Your father asked what happened. She’s a 21 year old, and decided to lie about her actions.. ​. NTA

rudster199 −  NTA, but is the pump motor actually broken, or is the problem just the tripped circuit breaker? From your interaction with your sister, it sounds like resetting the circuit breaker after topping up the water would have solved the problem, but she wouldn’t listen to you.

Then your dad found the pump was actually broken (i.e., even resetting the circuit breaker wouldn’t help until you fix the motor). Which is it?

duzins −  ESH the weight wasn’t the issue, too many people and not filling up the tub was the issue. You and your sister hate each other so of course she’s not going to listen to you. Your family makes the weight an issue which is likely why your mom ‘coddles’ your sister because you guys hassle her over weight and that shouldn’t be a big deal.

Put too many skinny people in a hot tub or too many fat people in a hot tub and you’ll get the same problem. Your family has a lot of problems, but the hot tub is just scratching the surface.

Scentsuelle −  NTA. I’m fat, I know that I am fat and I know that this means I don’t do certain things or am careful how I do them. If she had listened to you on how to remediate the issue caused by her body shape, she wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

The dynamics in this family are clearly strained, with deep-rooted issues complicating an already difficult situation. Should the Redditor have kept quiet to maintain peace, or was it right to reveal the truth about the hot tub incident?


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