AITA for setting money aside for Christmas?


A 17-year-old Redditor is saving money for Christmas gifts for her younger brothers despite her family’s financial struggles. Her dad, a single parent, is dealing with rent issues, and although the Redditor offered to help, her boyfriend reacted negatively when he found out she was saving money for presents.

He thinks her dad shouldn’t be buying gifts and that the Redditor should focus on bigger priorities. The Redditor is questioning if she’s wrong for saving up for gifts given the financial challenges. Read the original story below…


‘ AITA for setting money aside for Christmas?’

I am 17 living with my dad who is a single parent. I have two other younger brothers who are in middle school. My dad is not in the best financial situation as he is a single parent trying to take care of his three kids. He recently told all of us he is struggling with rent and may need to get a second job.


I offered to help paying with rent, to which he declined but I will still be doing anyway. On to the main story, I work as a host at a small restaurant and I work with my significant other. One day we worked together and I had received 50 dollars in tips and I told him how excited I was so I can put aside for gifts for my brothers.

He looks at me like I’m stupid and says “aren’t you and your dad struggling?” I tell him yes and that’s exactly why I’m putting money aside. He then goes on to tell me that my dad shouldn’t even be buying gifts, and that my brothers are too old and should be understanding.


I tried to tell him that it sucks to not get presidents on Christmas no matter how old you are, because me and my brothers used to have very empty Christmas days when living with my mother and me my dad wanted to give them a good memory.

(For reference his family is extremely well off 300,000 dollars a year type of well off) He told me I needed to grow up and take care of “bigger things” and that my dad needed to grow up. I’m really confused. He has always been helpful with my family and money and their situation and has never been so sour. Should this money be going towards something else?


Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

Unseen-metalhead351 −  Nta, he comes from privileged upbringing, He wouldn’t know how where who or why the real world works. He doesn’t know that somethings neeed more then monetary value to sustain themselves. A little hope and happiness goes a long way.

WhereWeretheAdults −  NTA. Buy your brothers some gifts. They will remember that far longer. You are just seeing “classism” in real life. You BF comes from a place of privilege and has no understanding of what being poor looks like. His solution is to admonish you. Honestly him saying you and your dad both need to “grow up” is a red flag.


This shows he is not yet capable of showing empathy nor thinking in terms outside of his privilege. You know what “growing up” looks like? Looking for a second job to make ends meet. Offering to help your single parent with rent because you are concerned for your parent and family. That’s what being an adult looks like.

kendraAmazing −  NTA do what you can … merry Christmas


Early_Fill6545 −  I think the fact you are giving them presents in the current situation makes it even more important and more thoughtful.

Zombie8925 −  NTA. Drop your SO.


barryburgh −  Well, he may be pragmatic, but he ain’t “significant”.

First_Effect_5179 −  Have a great Christmas with your family and when your BOYFRIEND becomes a man and learns about the real world, remind him your family mean more than money to you.


Working_Rub_8278 −  Nope NTA.

Do you think the Redditor is wrong to prioritize gifts for her brothers given her family’s financial situation, or should she focus on more practical things to help her dad? How would you handle the pressure to balance financial responsibility and creating happy memories? Share your thoughts below!


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One Comment

  1. Paula Ashby 3 weeks ago

    Good on you for being caring and empathetic your bf sounds like a big fat arse . It’s not about the money it’s about being a decent daughter sister person . Christmas is hard enough for many good on you for your thoughtfulness and being a decent person . To be honest dump your bf this is class distinction xxx good luck with everything