AITA for selling my family home because my pregnant sil ate my dinner?
A 19-year-old woman inherited her late father’s family home, but things have become tense after her mother, brother, and pregnant sister-in-law moved in without her consent. Despite her requests for them to leave, they remained, leading to ongoing conflict.
The final straw came when her sister-in-law ate her dinner while she was briefly out of the room. In frustration, she decided to sell the family home to her uncle, who agreed to buy it if he could evict her mother and brother. Now, her family is upset, and she’s questioning if she was wrong for making them homeless.
‘ AITA for selling my family home because my pregnant sil ate my dinner?’
I know s**tty title but I’m in a rush to get to work so excuse my grammar. Also I want to point out me and my brother have two different fathers . I (19f) lost my father last year to cancer he left me 90% of his stuff including his family home that was left to him by his dad it’s been in their family for over a hundred years.
My brother (34) and my dad didn’t have a relationship but he did leave him 10k, my mom was pissed at the will reading but since she got 10k she couldn’t do anything about it. For the past year me and her live ok together. she went on acting like it was her house like before which I had no problem with till in may my brother and his girlfriend (30) moved in (without even asking me).
They’re messy entitled and rude. I told them in July I want them out by September because they don’t pay for anything nor wash a dish. In August they announced they were pregnant and my sil smugly said “guess we won’t be moving out now”. It didnt go down well but when I told them I wanted them out my mom and brother basically laughed in my face.
Well the past few months have been hell they’ve become worse than before and my mom enables it than demands me to treat my sil like a princess because she’s pregnant. I once had to wait outside McDonald’s till they opened to get her a McMuffin. Well here were I maybe the a**hole.
Because my sil is pregnant she eats everything she sees like the cupcakes my friend made me for my birthday she ate all six didn’t even get to try them. I can’t even make my lunch the night before because when I go to get it,
it will be gone she’ll have a smug look on her face while rubbing her belly than laugh and say “I couldn’t help my self blame the baby” if I put stuff in my room my mom will open the door with the spare key sil can go through my mini fridge.
Well a week ago I was running late to collage I didn’t have time for my breakfast or to make lunch and I had to go to work straight after so all I had that day was a bar of chocolate when I got home I was starving I made myself dinner while it was cooling down I went to use the bathroom.
I must of been in there 10 minutes at most by the time I came out she had 70% of my dinner ate and I literally lost my s**t of course she started crying my mom and brother started screaming at me for making her cry making excuses like how she couldn’t help it and it was my fault for leaving food around her.
Well I had enough I told them get out just like before I got mocked but here’s the thing back in October my uncle offered me a life changing amount of money for the house I called him up crying a few days ago explaining the situation he said he’d buy the house but he will evict my mom and brother.
They ofc didn’t take it two well and I have had to stay with a friend I’ve been receiving texts and I’m being tagged in multiple posts on social media. I’m starting to think I’m the bad person now. So AITA for making my mom and brother homeless?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − NTA They stomped all over you man, they didn’t treat you like family so why should you treat them that way? You’re fine mate, your uncle is the one evicting them not you.
Jareth47 − NTA at all and I’m very proud of you for standing up for yourself
networkconfidential − NTA. I’d sell the house, let them get evicted, and have a smug look in my face when they’re out on the street. Family means nothing if they treat you like trash.
Teacherofnothing − NTA TBH you should have gotten legal papers drawn to evict them and involve the cops because it seriously seems like they were emotionally abusing you.
Laurajenn − NTA. I’m 8 months pregnant so you can tell her from me that it is not excusable. I love my food, especially at the moment but being pregnant does not give you an excuse to steal food or act like an a**hole.
I would say that it’s important she has housing sorted as she is going to have a baby who needs shelter, but it doesn’t have to be with you. I think it is 100% understable you wouldn’t want to live with someone so disrespectful and rude.
Psychological-Pie938 − I would get the house valued independently by several agents. If your Uncles offer is reasonable and in line with the valuations then take it, but don’t feel you have to sell to get rid of them. Serve them a notice of eviction now, it will be easier for the Uncle if you do sell if they are not still there.
Go to a solicitor and get them out! NTA Edited to add, whilst you are there, get a restraining order against them, they sound like wackos. Edited to add after seeing updates, do NOT take your Uncles offer, he is only looking out for himself,
if he genuinely wanted to help you he would offer to go with you to a solicitor etc to have them evicted, it’s disgusting he’s taking advantage of his brothers child who is suffering. I recommend reassessing that relationship as well.. . Thank you for the awards!
radish__gal_ − NTA split the motherfuckers up my gal. I trained my 4 month old puppy to wait for my command to eat. Your pregnant SIL has two brains in her and less brain cells than my dog. edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger! made my day hehe. puppy will get unlimited dog treats for today
iHeal4Coffee − Because of how stressed out you are, and how quickly your Uncle has swooped in to “save” you from this situation, I am dubious of your *entire* family.
Owning a home is incredible at your age. There are also many MANY less tangible benefits to owning your own home that are more than just the value of the property.
Security. Freedom. No mortgage. Your father set you up with the best possible scenario to live well for a very long time if you play your cards right. I would not give this up without a vicious fight. My first reaction is to follow the connections. Is Uncle your Mom’s brother, or your Dad’s? How is his relationship with your mother?
Could they be possibly working together in a good cop/bad cop situation to get you to give up ownership of the house out of frustration? Is Uncle offering market value or above for the house? Less? Evicting a tenant is stressful, but it can be done.
These people aren’t your family anymore. They are abusive tenants who are destroying YOUR home. Your father left it to *you*, so *you* could have a good start to your life. Not them. Would he want to see you treated this way? You have to get them out.
Pistalrose − NTA. Just a sidebar but women are not at the mercy of their pregnant bodies to that extent. Cravings (I’m doubtful it was even that) are not license to steal food.
cridhebriste − NTA THEY made themselves homeless. They had an opportunity and blew it due to their attitudes. Good luck and good job keeping the house in the family.