AITA for refusing to support my parents’ decision to cut ties with my sibling because they’re transgender?

A 28-year-old woman is in a difficult situation after her sibling, Alex (26M), came out as transgender. While she has been fully supportive of Alex, her parents have rejected his transition and decided to cut ties with him. The woman has tried to reason with her parents,
but they’ve insisted she choose between them and Alex, demanding she abandon him if she wants to remain part of the family. Despite their pressure, she has refused to stop supporting her sibling.
This has caused significant tension within the family, with some siding with the parents and others with her. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to support my parents’ decision to cut ties with my sibling because they’re transgender?’
I (28F) have always had a close relationship with my sibling “Alex” (26M). Alex recently came out as transgender, and while I’ve been fully supportive, my parents have not taken it well. They’ve made it clear that they won’t accept Alex’s transition,
and after some intense conversations, they decided to sever ties with them entirely. I’ve tried to talk to my parents about how hurtful and wrong their decision is, but they’ve insisted that their beliefs don’t align with supporting a transgender person.
They’ve asked me to choose between them and Alex, saying that I can’t be a part of the family if I continue to support Alex. This situation has put me in an incredibly tough position. I love my parents, but I can’t support their decision to reject my sibling because of who they are.
I’ve told them that I won’t abandon Alex, and I’m not going to stop being there for them. Now, my parents are angry and saying I’m betraying them. They’ve told family members that I’m causing division and that I’ve chosen “a stranger over my own blood.”
Some extended family members have sided with my parents, and others have sided with me, but it’s created a huge rift in the family. I feel like I’m doing the right thing by supporting my sibling, but I’m wondering if I’m being too extreme by refusing to respect my parents’ wishes. So, AITA for not supporting my parents’ decision and choosing to stand by my sibling?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
DaniCapsFan − Your parents literally said you can’t be part of the family if you support your sibling. You aren’t betraying them; they betrayed Alex. You aren’t causing division; they are. Your parents can learn to reexamine their beliefs, or they can lose both their children.. NTA
BlueGreen_1956 − NTA I have no use for parents who disown their children because they are gay or trans.. Story: I am very old. A young lesbian woman in our town works in the local coffee shop and talks to me whenever I come in.
She surprised one day back in June by sitting down at my table and asked if I might do her a favor. Evidently, my little town was having a small Pride parade, and she was helping with the planning. She told me she had a job for me. I am not much of a parade goer but once she explained what she wanted me to do, I said, “Yes.”
She asked me to just walk around in the crowd wearing a Tee shirt that said, “Free Grandpa Hugs.” I had young people hugging me all day and several of them told me they had been disowned by their families and had not seen their grandpas in a long time.
That and being a finish line hugger at the Special Olympics were two of the most rewarding experiences any old person like me could ever have.. I recommend both enthusiastically.
mommacrossx3 − NTA and when your parents play “whoa is me! Why don’t my children talk to me” when their older and need help…remind them they made their decision when the dropped Alex like a hot potato….Their supporters can help them
Sensitive_Note1139 − NTA. Your parents are causing the rift. They are choosing to throw away one of the blood relatives and call them a stranger. Alex is still their child. You parents have given you an ultimatum them or Alex. So now you have to choose and stick with it. This is not your or Alex’s fault.
It’s solely the fault of your bigot, hate filled parents. Your parents chose to divide the extended family by involving them to put pressure and manipulate you. That’s on them. Jesus was about love. Your parents belief makes a mockery of what Jesus actually suffered and died for.
grayblue_grrl − Your parents are betraying their own blood. They are legit insane to use arguments like that in the face of reality. I guess the first time we learn our parents are bigots and people we wouldn’t talk to if they hadn’t raised us, is kind of traumatic.
Your parent’s “wishes” for you to abandon your sibling is not in your best interest. They want you to share their “values” of bigotry. “No. I am not going to abandon my sibling. I love and care for them very much.
I am a grown adult with the ability to make my own decisions and this is one you are not going to change. If you want to disown me too, because of it, that is your choice, but this is all your own doing.”
Fluffy_Sheepy − NTA. Your sibling IS “your own blood”. They are not a stranger, they are your sibling. Though to me, relationship is more important than relation.
Blood means very little in a world where parents will disown a child for being gay or trans while still throwing around phrases like “blood is thicker than water”, a phrase that gets used incorrectly by these sorts of people all the time. . Anyway, your parents are bigots.
Majestic_Daikon_1494 − your parents are bitches
_s1m0n_s3z − Ask your parents if they feel strongly enough about it to throw away their relationships with *both* their children. And die alone.
Simply_Feral_PNW − NTAH. This is hard but you are doing the right thing. You are setting a boundary and choosing to support your sibling. Your parents are making a devastating decision and it has huge natural consequences. You’re not bad, selfish, or the problem in this situation. A stranger and not blood? That says everything.
deathboyuk − Your parents are complete and utter cunts.. Good on you for bucking the trend.. NTA
The woman is caught in a heartbreaking dilemma between her parents and her sibling. She is prioritizing family, but it’s clear that her parents’ decision to reject Alex is deeply hurtful and wrong.
Standing by her sibling is a brave and compassionate choice, but it’s understandable that the situation has caused familial tension. Is she wrong for refusing to give up on her sibling, or is her loyalty to Alex justified? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!