AITA for refusing to stop calling my daughter a nickname

A 33-year-old father has called his 15-year-old daughter “Princess” since she was a baby. However, his sister, who recently had a daughter, asked him to stop using the nickname so she and her husband could exclusively call their child โ€œPrincess.โ€

The father refused, stating that he isnโ€™t stopping his sister from using the nickname, but he wonโ€™t stop unless his own daughter requests it. His sister claims it’s awkward for both girls to share the same nickname, and their mom agreed, saying the fatherโ€™s daughter is too old to be called “Princess.”

‘ย AITA for refusing to stop calling my daughter a nickname’

I (m33) have a daughter (15). I like many parents have different nicknames for my daughter, one being Princess. I have called my daughter Princess since she was a baby and still call her that even as a teenager.

My sister (f35) has a 3 month old daughter. She was over at my apartment yesterday and said she needed to ask me something. She said she would like for me to stop calling my daughter Princess because she and her husband want to call their daughter Princess.

I asked why they can’t both have the nickname, she said it would be awkward if we were somewhere together and both girls got referred to as Princess. I said I’m not going to stop calling my daughter a nickname I’ve always called her unless my daughter herself wants me to stop.

My sister said my daughter is too old for the nickname Princess anyway and I have several other nicknames for her so it shouldn’t Matter. I’m just choosing to gatekeep and Be an AH, which I’m not stopping my sister from using it I’m just refusing to stop calling my daughter that nickname.

My mom took my sister’s side agreeing that my daughter is too old for the nickname.

Hereโ€™s the input from the Reddit crowd:

Allaboutbirdย โˆ’ย  NTA and this is a very silly request. “Princess” is a super common nickname so good luck to your sister if she thinks her daughter is going to the only one who has it.

It’s also a bit weird to actively pick out a nickname for your small child – my kids each have a variety of nicknames, none of which were the product of careful thought or discussion; they just arose organically as we interacted with them.

HeirOfRavenclawย โˆ’ย  NTA. Uh oh, sometimes I call my dog โ€˜Princessโ€™ too. Donโ€™t tell your sister, I donโ€™t want to deal with her crazy too.

TiffanyChalkย โˆ’ย  NTA. I am approaching 40 and I’ll be damned if I would stop my grandpa calling me “Princess”!

Aggravating-Pain9249ย โˆ’ย  When I read the title, I was assuming your daughter wanted you to stop using this nickname. I would have told you to respect your daughter’s wishes. This is coming from your sister. She doesn’t have the right to ask this. Does your mother usually enable you sister?. NTA

notadruggie31ย โˆ’ย  NTA, its your daughter and she is the fist heir of your house. Of course she holds a rightful position in the court of your country and no matter of small squabbling will change the bloodlines.

hey-demons-its-me-yaย โˆ’ย  I thought from the title it was your daughter that was asking you to stop, in that case you would be TA for sure. But your sister??? Absolutely NTA, she needs to get a grip, wait until she finds out how many people have dogs named princess that will be at the same places as her daughter, *the horror*.

That_Influence_5716ย โˆ’ย  Iโ€™m going to start calling my kids Princess, just to annoy your sister. Please let her know? NTA

[Reddit User]ย โˆ’ย  NTA – Get your daughter a tiara, sash, and sceptre for the next time auntie wants to drop by
INFO: If you started calling your daughter Queen as an upgrade to Princess, would that make her more upset? ๐Ÿค”

Rega_lazarย โˆ’ย  NTA. As you said, the only one who has a right to tell you to stop is your daughter.

Peg_Leg_Vetย โˆ’ย  NTA. Nobody owns the word princess. People can choose to use it, or not use it, as they see fit.

Is the father being unreasonable for sticking to a long-standing nickname, or is the sister overstepping by asking him to change his relationship with his daughter? What do you think? Share your opinions in the comments below!


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