AITA for refusing to spend $130 on a bridesmaid bouquet when I’m the bridesmaid?

AITA for refusing to spend $130 on a bridesmaid bouquet when I’m the bridesmaid?

One woman recently shared her story on the AmItheA**hole subreddit about the financial tensions that arose while being part of a friend’s bridal party.

After agreeing to pay for her bridesmaid dress, she was later asked to spend $130 on a bouquet, which she found excessive and unreasonable. When she politely voiced her concerns, the bride removed her from the bridal party, leaving her questioning whether she was in the wrong for refusing to pay.

Check out her story

‘AITA for refusing to spend $130 on a bridesmaid bouquet when I’m the bridesmaid?’

AITA for refusing to spend $130 on a bridesmaid bouquet when I’m the bridesmaid?
AITA for refusing to spend $130 on a bridesmaid bouquet when I’m the bridesmaid?

I was a part of one of my close friends bridal parties, she’s always struggled financially a little bit and now she’s getting married…

She asked if us bridesmaids could pay for the dresses, we said yes. Then she asked if we could pay for our own bouquets, I said of course to help her out, later to find out that the bouquets were going to be more expensive than the dress at $130 each!! She chose the most expensive bouquets and I’ve offered to even make all of them myself but she’s refused because these are the ones she wants.

I’m the youngest bridesmaid, only in my early 20s, some of the other girls were not too happy about it but I was the only one who said something to the bride, I was polite and just tried to let her know that I have other financial commitments and spending $130 on flowers that will be thrown away after the wedding seems a little steep.

She’s now removed me as a bridesmaid, I’m not sure what to do, AITA?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

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NTA. If she couldn’t afford the flowers how can she expect you too?

Just go with the flow, I know she was/is your friend and she will either figure it out or she won’t. Brides anymore want more than they can afford and are now expecting bridesmaids to pick up the costs of all the incidentals, such as flowers, bachelorette parties, 3 day weekend trips, jewelry.. it gets crazy. If she doesn’t ask you back then be thankful you don’t have to deal with it, you will probably find the next bridesmaid has a worse time than you have had. If she asks you back your choice but tell her you can’t afford the flowers.


It’s normal to pay for a dress if you get to choose the style (if the bride insists on everyone being in the same exact dress I’ve heard she should foot the bill).

It’s also normal to pay for hair & makeup if the service is offered (but I’ve also heard the same where if the bride wants everyone done the same- it’s her expense).

It is NOT normal to expect bridesmaids to pay for their bouquets and if the bride can’t afford her vision she either needs to change her vision or consider alternative routes like artificial flowers.

NTA and be thankful you’re no longer a bridesmaid- I can only imagine how much more outrageous her requests throughout the wedding will become.


NTA. Wear your bridesmaid dress, if you’ve already purchased it, and attend as a guest.

NTA $130 for a bridesmaid bouquet?! And the bride expects the bridesmaids to pay for it?! Oh, heck no! You friend has champagne taste and a beer pocketbook. Your friend is shameless and tacky as all get out.

She’s now removed me as a bridesmaid, I’m not sure what to do…

Count your blessings.


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It honestly baffles me how people in wedding parties are expected to pay out thousands for it! If the couple can’t afford to pay for all the wedding (excluding a free bar) then they need to lower their expectations. It’s getting ridiculous, destination bachelorette/bachelor parties, wedding shower and expensive wedding attire then expecting wedding gifts on top? It’s all a bit too Kardashian’s.

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