AITA for refusing to share my life-changing opportunity?

A person (F, 20s) was awarded a prestigious international scholarship that could change their life. When they shared the news, their younger sibling, who is also struggling with college applications, asked them to decline the scholarship so they could apply next year.
The family reacted negatively, calling the person selfish, and their partner also suggested they consider it, though they recognized it wasn’t fair to ask. The person refused to give up the opportunity and now feels guilty, but also stands by their decision. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to share my life-changing opportunity?’
A few months ago, I applied for a prestigious international scholarship that could change my life. The process was intense, with essays, interviews, and months of preparation. I didn’t tell anyone except my partner because I didn’t want to jinx it. Last week, I got the news: I was accepted!
This scholarship covers my tuition, living expenses, and even provides a travel stipend to study in my dream country for two years. When I shared the news with my family, I expected congratulations, but instead, my younger sibling (who is in their final year of college) burst into tears.
They said they’ve been struggling with their own applications and begged me to decline the offer so they could try applying next year, as only one person from our country can win each cycle. I was stunned. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me, and I’ve worked tirelessly for it.
But now, my parents are calling me selfish, saying I should let my sibling “have a shot at something big.” Even my partner suggested I consider it, though they admitted it wasn’t fair to ask. I stood my ground and refused to give up the scholarship.
My sibling hasn’t spoken to me since, and my parents are cold and distant. I feel guilty but also angry, this is my achievement, not theirs. So, AITA for not giving up my opportunity for my sibling?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
MangoSaintJuice − NTA but you might want to put some distance between yourself and them ASAP, for your sake
teresajs − NTA Even if you gave up the opportunity, there’s no guarantee your sibling would win the scholarship.
CaptainParticular797 − NTA. They have no business asking that of you.
SafeWord9999 − I’d be very careful that your parents don’t contact the school and decline the invitation
Sufficient_Tune_2638 − They can apply in 2 years. There’s no guarantee they will even get it next year. NTA.
EdwinaArkie − NTA wow it’s incredibly selfish of her to cry and not be happy for you. And your parents sided with her? Ouch! Do not give up this golden opportunity.
JJOkayOkay − Do not set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. NTA Congratulation on your scholarship! You earned it, and you deserve it. 🙂
NagaApi8888 − NTA. Congratulations. Is your sibling the golden child? Why on earth is your PARTNER suggesting you consider it?! Keep your distance from anyone who doesn’t support you and wants to tear you down.
Just make sure that you have all your important belongings and papers in a SAFE AND SECURE SPACE. I wouldn’t completely discount the possibility of sabotage.
BeachinLife1 − You are NTA. Your entire family, on the other hand, is literally insane.
Content-Potential191 − I honestly don’t believe any part of this. Why do people sling this ridiculous b**lshit here?
While it’s understandable to feel guilty about disappointing your family, this scholarship is a life-changing opportunity you earned through hard work. Do you think the person should have sacrificed their achievement for their sibling’s future, or is it reasonable to prioritize their own dreams? What do you think? share your thoughts below!