AITA for refusing to share my inheritance with my stepsister even though my family is pressuring me? (25F)?


A Redditor (25F) recently faced pressure from her stepmother and stepsister after her father’s passing. Her dad left her a cabin and some money in his will, specifically due to the bond they shared. However, her stepmother and stepsister have been pushing her to share the inheritance, saying it’s unfair to keep it all to herself. Despite the family’s pressure, she refuses to share, standing by her father’s wishes. To read more about this complicated family situation, check out the original story below…


‘ AITA for refusing to share my inheritance with my stepsister even though my family is pressuring me? (25F)?’

I (25F) recently lost my dad (58M). Growing up, my parents divorced when I was 6, and he remarried soon after. His new wife Rachel (50F) had a daughter, Sophie (22F), and they later had two kids together. I always felt like I was on the sidelines of his new family but I still visited for holidays.

When my dad passed, his will left me a cabin (that we fixed up together when I was little) and some money. He also left Rachel, Sophie, and my half-siblings other assets and college funds. I did’t expect it, but my dad clearly stated the cabin and funds were for me because of the bond we shared.


At the will reading, Rachel and Sophie immediately asked me to ‘do the right thing” and share my inheritance with Sophie so she wouldnt feel left out. They guilttripped me, saying I was being selfish and that “family should be treated equally. Extended family has jumped in too, saying I should split what I got to “keep the peace.”

I told them no. Everyone else was already taken care of, and my dads wishes were clear. But now I’m being called greedy and heartless, and my family group chat won’t stop blowing up. My mom says I’m in the right, but I’m starting to feel guilty with all the pressure. AITA for refusing to share what my dad specifically left for me?


TL;DR**:** My dad left me a cabin and money in his will. My stepmom and stepsister want me to share it to “keep the peace,” even though they were left other assets. Family is calling me greedy.

Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

Historical-Count-374 −  Your dad lived nearly 60 long years in this crazy world of snakes and wolves. In his Lifespan of Wisdom, It was his Will that you each get your piece as he saw fit, not as they do. Your family should honor his wishes, and prosper in his memory.


pixie-ann −  NTA your dad made his wishes known in his will. The ones calling you greedy and heartless are projecting like mad. They should take those fingers they are pointing at you and point at themselves.

Wemest −  Leave the family group chat and honor your dad’s wishes.


PauseMost3019 −  NTA. You had no control over what your father left you in his will. If their were people left out of his will, he had reasons for leaving them out.. You owe know one anything.

Key_Bid_2624 −  Firstly, I’m very sorry for your loss. NTA. Your dad set up things for a reason. Everyone seems to be getting a share. The cabin is yours because of the memories and investment you and your dad shared. Do not give them the money willed to you either, they got some too. Stay strong and stand your ground.


If you have a good relationship with everyone there wouldn’t seem to be any harm in allowing them to use the cabin from time to time. BUT, how they treat you now can affect your decision to let them use it in the future. I’m sure that cabin means more to you for the memories you shared than money could buy. Don’t let it get taken from you.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. Parents leave different things to different kids. You are NTA for keeping your inheritance.


FrannyFray −  Definitely NTA. Do not spit on your dad’s grave by sharing anything with these vultures. They were taken care of in your dad’s will. What more do they want? What right do they have to ask YOU for your share? Do not let these bullies wear you down. Stand firm, OP. Block them for a bit if you have to. Leave the family group chat for a few weeks. Grieve your dad in peace.

CeramicSavage −  Nta. Start blocking people. That is your inheritance.


LayaElisabeth −  NTA and stick to your guns.. Both Rachel and Sophie HAVE funds/inheritance through your dad.. They ARE taken care off.. Wtf more do they want, strip you of your clothes too? Are they sharing their inheritance with you or anyone else??

Edit to add; do contact a notary or lawyer to see how you can best keep your assets from their grabby paws.. Next thing you know they’ll break into the cabin and strip it.. Or “give” it to a friend to claim squatters’ rights later on..


Bigolbooty75 −  If everyone wants things to be split equally than your siblings needs to put their inheritance in too.!! That’s basically what they’re arguing for… equality. And if they continue Block them. That’s the point in wills. You got what you got they got what they got. End of discussion. move on and grieve. The only peace that matters is yours. NTA.

Do you think the Redditor is in the wrong for sticking to her father’s wishes, or should she have considered sharing the inheritance to keep the peace with her family? How would you handle the pressure from loved ones in a similar situation? Share your thoughts below!


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