AITA for Refusing to sell my sons car?

A woman is in conflict with her husband over whether to sell her son’s old car, which she believes is his since it was a birthday gift. Although the car hasn’t run in months, the neighbor kid tested it and offered $500, but she knows it’s worth more.
Her husband insists on selling it by the end of the week, leading to tensions between them. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for Refusing to sell my sons car?’
My husband wants me to sell my son’s car (actually my car by law) but my son drove it and it was his birthday present years ago. So it’s his imo.
The problem comes in that the car has not ran for several months mainly because my son got a new car and just left it to sit.
Last night the neighbor kid texted my husband asking to buy it. We told him we’re not sure if it runs. He charged the battery and it started and he drove it.
Now the problem is that the neighbor kid wants to give me $500 for the car. Granted it’s not in the best shape. It needs a headlight and the exhaust is crap.
But it’s still worth way more than $500. Now my husband and I are fighting because I refuse to sell it and he wants me to get the car sold and out by the end of the week. Am I the a**hole for not selling it
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
JadeRain77 − Regardless of whose name it’s in, if it was given to your son as a gift, then it’s his. If your husband wants it gone, why has he not contacted your son about it? Tell him to come get it or sell it.
Either way, technically, as you gave him the car, if you sell it you should also give him the money you get for it. I think the best thing to do is just call him.
Sea_Firefighter_4598 − YTA for just letting an unused just car sit there. Text your son and ask if he wants to sell it and if so what he wants to sell it for. Why are you fighting your husband on this?
honey57103 − Update!!! I sold the car for $800. I’m not happy. The neighbor kid isn’t happy. So 🤷♀️. And now it’s my turn to throw an absolute s**t fit over everything else parked on our property
mm1palmer − NTA You aren’t refusing to sell the car, you are refusing to sell it for an unreasonable price. And why does your husband get to unilaterly decide the car has to go by the end of the week? It has been there for months without an issue and isn’t the house both of yours?
Find out a reasonable price and tell the kid. If he still wants it, great, everybody wins. If he doesn’t then list it for sale.
lihzee − INFO – why? It’s just sitting around and not being used, why do you want to keep it? Do you have hoarder tendencies?
Normal-Height-8577 − ESH. You’re right that it’s not your car to sell, but your son has dumped it at your place, it’s not getting used, and it’s not unreasonable for your husband to want it gone rather than cluttering up the place for months on end.
So why not just pass on the neighbour’s offer to your son? And if he doesn’t want to sell it, set a deadline for him to come and collect it.
ThePrinceVultan − The car is just sitting there rotting. If it doesn’t run, KBB value doesn’t mean much. Especially if the neighbor kid is going to end up having to drop a grand plus to get it running and legal *(exhaust work is NOT cheap.
Easy grand just replacing the exhaust system and that’s only if it’s just the mufflers and pipes. If the catalytic convertor(s) is/are bad they cost more than the KBB value of the car)*. Tell your son if he wants 2k for a car that doesn’t run and will need costly work to do the work to get it legal and running and then maybe he can get a few grand for it.
NElwoodP − ESH. I’d sign the title over to the son and tell him to deal with it.
istronglydislikelamp − I know this is resolved but as a gear head I can’t resist asking, what kind of car is it?
Is she wrong for wanting to keep the car, or should she sell it despite its condition? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!