AITA for refusing to sell my car to my socially shy niece?

A person decided not to sell their old Toyota Corolla to their socially shy niece, Luna, after she refused to engage in basic conversation about the purchase, leaving her mother to answer every question. The OP argued that Luna’s communication issues would make college challenging and set a boundary, saying they would only sell the car if Luna contacted them directly.
After a follow-up call from the niece’s father revealing deeper financial issues, the OP decided to sell the car to the dealership instead. read the original story below…
‘Â AITA for refusing to sell my car to my socially shy niece?’
I just bought myself a new car, this leaves me with an extra car which I was doing to sell back to my dealership. It’s is a Toyota Corolla 2018 which is in good condition. My sister asked if I would be willing to sell it to my niece. She is going to college in a few months and she will needs a car.
My niece ( I am going to call her Luna) has always been a social shy person. I haven’t seen her much, I just moved back to my home state. I told them I can bring it by to look at it. I get to their home and my sister and Luna were waiting. I start to show them the car and giving the basic information.
I ask who will be buying it and my sister answers. She tells me that Luna is buying it and it will be in her name. So I start speaking my to her or at least trying to. Ever question I asked her, her mom would answer. For example, I asked her how much she saved up? Her mom answered.
I ask how soon would she need the car? Her mom answered. I have heard like five word the whole time I have been here and it was when she was talking to her mom. I ask if she is interested in the car and her mom answer. I told my sister I asked Luna and wait for Luna to respond.
I repeat the question and she doesn’t give an answer and just looks at her mom. I inform both of them I am not willing to sell my car if the person buying it can not communicate with me. So I ask again what she thinks of the car, she turns around and walks inside.I informed my sister I will not be selling Luna the car.
We get into an argument that I shouldn’t have put her on the spot and I know she is shy. I point out that it her daughter can not communicate and she will be eaten alive at college .I told her I will be willing to sell it to Luna if she contacts me. My sister called me a j**k
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
ZeeWingCommander − Info: what’s the actual motivation here? Are you trying to force the girl to not be shy? Are you worried the mom is making the decision for her? Â
You said in a comment that you can’t sell a car to someone who won’t talk to you…. I’m going to be blunt here – *this seems like a nonsense reason.*
My vote – you’re an a**hole and to all the weirdos replying, you’re assholes too.
joyverse_ − YTA You are not in any way obligated to sell your car to anyone. But I really don’t get why you were so triggered by your sister dynamic with Luna. Is your sister controlling ir overbearing in any way? Did you feel you need to teach your niece a lesson?
It’s not unheard of parents buying a car for their children, and it doesn’t seem that either of them was disrespectful to you. So it is really hard for me to understand what you were trying to achieve with such an adversarial interaction.. ETA judgement
cosmo_smile − If the niece is the one buying the car, the communication of course needs to through her. You are about to enter into a legal transaction, nobody can make an informed choice like that for her. If her situation regarding her social skills is that bad, the mum should have warned you / explained before you went over there.
CatteNappe − Am I reading correctly that you are refusing to sell the car to Luna as punishment for not being more outspoken in front of her domineering mother?
Wise_Owl5404 − NTA, I don’t get what’s with all the Y T A because you’re about to enter into a legal contract with someone who refuses to do even basic communications with you. That has the potential to backfire on you badly, financially or otherwise.
I’d never sell anything to someone who can’t communicate their basic desires and thoughts to me, it’s too much of a hazard as I can’t be sure there actually insist the informed consent necessary for this deal to be legally valid.
It sucks for your niece if she’s really that socially anxious but you’re right in protecting yourself for this potentially coming back to haunt you. Not to mention if it’s that bad she is not college ready and won’t need a car as she’ll wash out of that place in weeks.
Time-Diet-3197 − Going against the grain here and saying NTA. If she is going to college she will need to handle her own affairs. If she cannot handle her own affairs then her mother should have given you a heads up (plus it begs the question of why she would be getting a car in her own name).
fabulousautie − You’re not obligated to sell your care to her, just like she’s not obligated to speak to you. But it’s really weird to act like you are teaching her some valuable life lesson by holding the car over her. Just move on and sell it to someone else. YTA for that part.
InviteAdditional8463 − NTA: Why would you sell anything to someone that can’t f**king talk to you?Â
solidly_garbage − NTA. It’s entirely possible she doesn’t want the car, and her mom is pushing for it. If she can’t give you a verbal confirmation of any sort… well, I wouldn’t want anything to do with that.
[Reddit User] − NTA. Lots of crazies in the comments.
Was the OP reasonable in expecting communication from the niece, or did they misjudge the situation? What’s your take? Share your thoughts below!