AITA for refusing to return my ex’s father’s pc that he gifted to me?

A 19-year-old is facing demands from his ex-girlfriend and her family to return a custom PC gifted to him by her father. During their relationship, the PC was presented as a no-strings-attached gift, but now her parents claim it was only given because they were together, and her dad wants it back.
The original poster is firm that a gift is a gift, feeling it’s unfair to be asked to return it. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to return my ex’s father’s pc that he gifted to me?’
I (19m) recently broke up with my ex (18f). The breakup didn’t go very well and has been a very difficult process for the both of us. Yesterday my ex sent me a text message that said “hey.. i planned on texting you about this when you responded to me, but my dad suggested i do it sooner rather than later.
my dad kinda wants his pc back. he wants me to pick it up for him at some point within the next month. lmk when you’re free and i’ll have my mom go get it from you so things are less awkward. /nm /gen”
Her dad gave me the pc as a gift last Christmas and there were no conditions that I would need to give it back once the relationship ended. I responded by standing my ground firmly: “The pc was a gift given to me. There were no conditions that I was borrowing it. I will not give the pc back.
I feel it’s an unfair assumption that I would need to give a gift back.” Later, I got a text from her mom: “Hi (my name). (Her name) mentioned that she told you that her dad wants the PC back and that you responded that you don’t want to return it. That was given to you because you were her partner.
I understand that it was a gift, but he built the PC and would like it back. It’s more than just a general gift. I don’t think it’s right for you to keep it. She would prefer not to get her dad involved. Please let me know when would be a good time for me to stop by and pick it up.” Am I the a**hole for thinking that’s not how gifts work and that I should keep the pc? What should I do in this situation?.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Heathcoatman − NTA. This is weird, to be honest. I might understand a little kid thinking he can ask for a Christmas gift back, but two adults? This sounds more like punishment for the break-up rather than a reasonable request. Also, when the mom said “She would prefer not to get her dad involved”,
that sounds like a veiled threat to me. Do you still live at home? Have you mentioned this to your parents if you do? I get that you are 19 and all, but if you live with people, either parents or room mates, maybe mention this is going on and that some 40 year old might be coming around demanding a 10 month old Christmas gift back.
Personally, I would not give it back myself, but I would be aware that this dad could show up unannounced and start causing problems. Let the people in your orbit know just so they arent completely blindsided. Good luck.
Neutral_Guy_9 − NTA this is silly her parents are completely to blame. They should be well aware that their 18yr old daughter might not be with her current bf forever. Asking for the pc back is not a classy move on their part.
Wrong-Preparation881 − NTA, just stop responding, they are being petty, if you and your ex aren’t together then you have no reason to keep in contact with her family.
SomeoneYouDontKnow70 − NTA. It was dumb of the dad to gift a newly built PC to his 18 year old’s BF. Young people undergo drastic changes until they’re about 25. The chances that this relationship would go the distance were slim, and he should have known it when he was giving the present.
He should have gifted a box of candy canes and left it at that. Giving a gift on the condition that the recipient continue to date his daughter is about as controlling as you can get.
JeepersCreepers74 − NTA, just ignore them. If, for some reason, they get the police involved, you have proof in these texts that it was a gift.
Narkareth − NTA It was a gift, from almost a year ago. Also, if anyone is giving a 19 year old a gift on the precondition that their relationship status will remain static into the far future; they’re an i**ot. No offense intended to you personally, its just that it’s relatively common for people to date/breakup/move on at that age.
MistressLyda − INFO: Are you certain that her dad is wanting the PC back at all? Seeing that she does not want to get her dad involved, it makes me wonder.
I might be way off, but the whole thing sounds like it might be to get the opportunity to dig through your computer, thoroughly. And who knows what she will find, or pretend to find, if so.
Masta-Blasta − NTA. Stand your ground. It was a gift- you don’t owe them anything. He has no legal standing to retrieve it. Just block them all and enjoy your PC.
talkmemetome − NTA. Answer “By law the gift giver rescinds all rights to a gift at the moment the gift reaches the recipient. Dating your daughter in payment for the right to use the pc however was never spoken about, hinted at or agreed upon and thus does not negate the pc being a gift in all intents and purposes.
You may not like it but in the end that is a fact and trying to put pressure on me to give the gift back is no way lawful nor smart. But then again you thought it was a good idea to give a home build to a teenager in a relationship with your teenager daughter when, as you should know, teenage relationships are notoriously short lived.
So there is that”. I mean you could have given it back. But they have no right to demand it lol.
Fragrant_Lunch3276 − NTA – hang on, the mum said she would rather not get the dad involved??? Yet he is the one ‘asking’ for it back??? This doesn’t add up, if the dad wants it, then he should be the one asking for it, not the daughter or the mum, they sound petty…