AITA for refusing to put my fiance on the house title after he kept handing me empty pens as a prank?


A Redditor found herself in an uncomfortable situation when her fiancé’s ill-timed prank caused her to reconsider putting his name on the title of her inherited house.

Despite her initial decision to move forward, his antics left her humiliated and questioning the agreement. Curious about how this unfolded? Read the story below!


‘ AITA for refusing to put my fiance on the house title after he kept handing me empty pens as a prank?’

I F, 34 have been with my fiance M, 37 for 3 years. Getting married before the end of this year and recently moved in the house that I inherited from my mom.


The house is in my name and it took a lot of talking and convincing from him to have his name on the title as well. Now honestly part of me doesn’t think this is a good idea, at least not right now maybe after marriage?

But anyway, I’ve decided to go ahead and put his name on the title so he could go ahead and start contributing towards mortgage more and light my burden a little bit.


We’ve made appointments, decided on which form of ownership we were basing this on. when it was time for me to sign the deed, My fiance stopped me and gave me a pen saying this pen was his “lucky” pen and told me to use it to sign the deed.

I took it and tried to sign but turned out it was empty. He was like “oh I must’ve forgotten” while laughing and then pulled out his “other lucky pen”. I took it, tried to sign and that one too was empty.


Honestly, seeing how he was laughing I figured he was messing with me but he swore he wasn’t and pulled out ANOTHER one of his lucky pens. I tried that one too and it was empty.

My fiance started cackling and I felt humiliated especially with how the gentleman next to him was staring. I got pissed and asked him what that was about and he said it was a prank. I asked “really? Did you really think this was a time for pranks?”


He was like “it’s alright you can use “a real pen” now”. I pushed the paper away and said “you know what? Never mind because I no longer want you on the deed”.

He lost it completely saying we had a deal and I can’t back out of it just like that, and that it was a stupid joke that I took too seriously. We had an argument and I refused to sign the deed at least not then and there.


At home he blew up again saying I was the one who “delayed the process” and that he already gave me a real pen and all I had to do was sign the “damn paper” and get it over with.

He accused me of looking for an excuse not to have him on the deed and started the silent treatment saying there’s nothing to say til those papers are signed. Did I really take this too seriously?


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

EwokCafe −  NTA. Red flags all over. 1. He pressured you into putting him on the deed? That’s weird unless he has selfish motives. My husband literally suggested he *not* be on the title to my car to maybe help with insurance costs. Because we’re gonna be married anyway, why does it matter? 🤷‍♀️

2. He is very immature. You don’t behave like that at a serious time like that. He wasted everyone’s time.
3. He blew up at you for correctly chastising him instead of acknowledging his own fault and apologizing.
. He’s giving you the “silent treatment” which is an extremely toxic thing in relationships, and yet again immature.


5. He’s more interested in getting access to your property than how you felt in the situation. Hon, I implore you to *not* put him on the deed. And depending on if this behavior is normal for him, I’d give a long and hard thought on if this is really what you want for your future.

CommunicationOdd9406 −  YTA to yourself. He’s gunna to take half your house when you break up. Don’t do it!


Scone_Of_Arc −  YTA for how you’re treating your assets. Do NOT put that house in his name. Make sure there is a PRENUP before you get married.

OkraOk8923 −  Please don’t add him. He pressured you before marriage and after your bereavement – he should be supporting you. Put the house into a trust, that will protect it and get a pre nup to protect your asset.


Not legally binding in the UK at the moment but influences a divorce decision. Personally I wouldn’t marry him because of the pressure exerted when you are most vulnerable and the stupid prank at a legal appointment when it’s costing you several hundred pounds for the advice and actual appointment. He uses this to humiliate you.

You’ve got an appreciable asset in your name entirely. He hasn’t. Perhaps he’s expressing his jealousy and acting up?
This is not going to get better after marriage, postpone the wedding and sort this out in therapy. If you add him to the deed, then marry then he leaves a year after- you might have to sell your home and lose half.


Mishy162 −  NTA. Why would you even consider putting him on the deed? It is your inherited property, currently he isn’t entitled to anything, why would you change it so you could potentially lose it in the future? That would not be a very smart action.

[Reddit User] −  NTA tell him that you saying you were going to put him on the title was also just a prank and he’s getting way too worked up over a little joke


AaeJay83 −  YWBTA if you put him on the deed and title. He’s will take your house if things don’t go well. That belongs to you and you only. Don’t trust this man OP.

pegsper −  Lady. Don’t EVER put someone on the title. EVER. Unless you both acquire a property TOGETHER, what is separated stays separated. Trust me. Even more so with such a childish being. NTA, but you’d be one to yourself if you put him on it.


[Reddit User] −  What the hell? You’re an AH to yourself for even attempting to put him on your house! Do not ever put his name on your house! Unless he’s going to give you half of what it’s worth right now?

Even if you get married make sure there’s a freaking prenup! Why on earth would you literally give him half of your house that he contributed nothing to you?


Let me guess he was the one that manipulated you into putting his name on the title? There is literally no reason for his name to be on there. It has nothing to do with him. And a good person would never have expected their name to be put on there.

If my husband inherited a house I would not expect my name to be put on it, the only thing I would want is that he would leave it to our children if something happened to him.. Wake up and pay attention.


Seriously! You do realize that once you put his name on there he owns half of it… If the relationship doesn’t work out you will have to buy him out and most likely sell the house. So why the F would you do something like this?

chunibi −  NTA, do not put that man on the title, he is pushing FORTY and acts like that? If you really want to do it, I’d keep it on the back burner and see how he acts.

Do you think the fiancé’s prank was harmless fun or a sign of deeper issues regarding trust and responsibility? Was the Redditor justified in halting the process, or should she have handled it differently? Share your thoughts below!

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