AITA for refusing to move out even though my roommate is 7 months pregnant?

A Reddit user recently shared a dilemma involving her pregnant roommate, Becca, who just found out she’s seven months along and wants the Redditor to move out to make space for a nursery and her baby’s father.
The poster explains that she can’t afford to move out due to financial constraints and is on the lease until the end of the year. When she suggested Becca should consider moving if she needs more space, Becca became very emotional, accusing her of ruining her plans to start a family. Read on for the full story below.
‘ AITA for refusing to move out even though my roommate is 7 months pregnant?’
Hi guys, last week my roommate Becca found out she is not only pregnant but seven months along. She texted me that we had to talk today and I had assumed she would be moving out soon for more space when the baby comes.
Instead she told me I have to move out to make space for the nursery and her baby daddy to move in. I’m on a terrible salary and cannot afford anywhere else to live, plus like she wants me to move out right now so she can prepare for the baby.
Even if I wanted to move out now, the apartment rentals in my area are either too expensive or well below living standards so I don’t want to move. She went absolutely crazy the moment I told her I wouldn’t move out, because I’m ruining her motherhood experience by not letting her family live together.
I pay rent here and my names on the lease until at least the end of the year. I’m not gonna pull out of the lease and I told her that if she wants her little family together that she should move and I’ll find someone to half the cheap rent with.
That made her start crying and saying how I just want to ruin her life to the point her baby daddy had to console her and tell me to get out of their way already. I’ve not heard her stop crying since but I think I’m totally valid that I don’t want to leave.. Aita for not wanting to move out?
Check out how the community responded:
Discount_Mithral − NTA. This is a “her” problem, not a “you” problem. She wants the cheap rent for her and her BD. Your name is on the lease, you pay rent, she can’t kick you out.
However, be prepared for a very uncomfortable living situation from now on. Where does the BD live now? If she wants to move him in, he has a place already. Can she not move in with him?
[Reddit User] − NTA Your name is on the lease and you both live there The audacity to tell you to move out is outrageous😭
technicolorhellscape − NTA. Her pregnancy, her relationship, her problem. The baby is not your responsibility, her life is not your responsibility, you didn’t get her pregnant and you don’t owe her anything. Why can’t she move in with her baby daddy?
Dilootinjoos − Holy s**t, you can’t still be living with Pasta Water Becca 😭😭 that image HAUNTS me
ExplanationNo8707 − 1. Seven months pregnant and no baby bump? 2. Baby Daddy still living at home? 3. Baby Daddy spending half his time sleeping in your apartment?. 4. Cheap rent? Sounds like Baby Daddy hates living with mommy, but can’t afford a place of his own.
He’s got a girlfriend who has a place where he spends most of his time rent free. If they make your life miserable enough they push you out and he moves in with the benefit of rent cheap enough he no longer has to live with mommy.
I doubt she’s pregnant and he’s tired of living at his mom’s house. Stay your ground. She can’t evict you, your name is on the lease. Is her name on the lease? Who moved into the place first?
In any event you’ll find out if she’s really pregnant before your lease is up at the end of the year. Seven months pregnant and not showing yet? What took her so long to tell you? You’d think she would’ve told you at least 4 months ago or at least when she decided to keep the baby.
It’s her who has a need for space, so she should move her little family into their own place and let her deal with paying the landlord when she breaks the lease. Just tell her, “sorry about your luck, but I’m not going anywhere. Not my problem.” As they say No is a one word sentence. Let her deal with HER problem.
7hr0wn − I pay rent here and my names on the lease until at least the end of the year.. That’s the whole ball game. You didn’t decide to get pregnant, she did.. NTA.
Peony-Pony − NTA Your roommate is living in a fantasy. In her mind, you’d move out and she’ll live happily ever after with her new little family. And your refusal to move out burst her bubble. If she’s upset, oh well, the world doesn’t revolve around her or her pregnancy. She’ll just have to make do until the lease is up or find some place else to live.
moominsmama − I actually wonder if she really is pregnant, or if that’s a ruse to move her boyfriend into a cheaper apartment with her…. NTA.
gurlwithdragontat2 − She ruined her own motherhood experience by being ill equipped, and lacking the resources to have the Hallmark motherhood journey she wants. NTA – and I would reach out to the landlord to get ahead of any opportunity for you to be pushed out of the space at the end of your lease.
You are not in the way of this ‘happy family’ by living in the space you pay for and rent. Your roommates lack of birth control/funds seems to be what’s in her way. That’s not your fault.
Funny_Zebra1037 − Nts. This is crazy level entitlement with a side-order of toxic baby daddy. Do whatever you need to protect yourself. Ie if legal to record her and him with you as single party consent(this means you have to be part of recording).
Get a camera for your room aimed at door. If allowed by lease/landlord get lock for bedroom. Have action plan in place in case they try to lock you out or move you out. If their behavior escalates , take all evidence to police.
Do you think the Redditor is justified in staying put, given her lease and financial situation, or should she make accommodations for her roommate’s new family needs? Share your perspective below!