AITA for refusing to move out?

A Redditor shares a dilemma with their roommate, who got engaged and now wants the Redditor to move out of their shared apartment so her fiancé can move in. Despite prior agreements and the Redditor’s plans to live alone after the lease ends, the engaged couple insists it’s more convenient for them. Read the original story below:
‘ AITA for refusing to move out?’
I 24F have lived in the same apartment for 4 years in this time I’ve had 2 roommates one the first two years I lived here and the second for the rest of the time. My current roommate 32F (V) has been great until now. She’s in a long term relationship and over Christmas she got proposed to.
Now they want to live together but they both approached me and asked me to let her fiancé take over my lease and for me to find a new place as soon as possible. I have a few problems with this I feel like they should find a new place together because I’ve lived here longer.
I also told V a few months ago that I spoke to the landlord about once our lease together is up that I’ll be living alone since I can now afford it. At that time she agreed and said that her and her boyfriend would look for a place together.
I told her this but she said that when they started looking for a new place that everything else was too expensive and it made for sense for me to move out and not her. I refused and told her that she can always ask the landlord if there will be units available for them in our building.
She started cussing me out and has had her fiancé and their friends harassing me about it. There’s 4 months left on the lease so I’m just going to ignore them but when I spoke to my mom about it she thinks I should let them have the apartment since they need to start saving for their wedding.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
NuclearSky − NTA. They say everything is too expensive of them, a 2-income household, but you, a 1 person household, should move out and live somewhere else, while you’ve been there longer, and on top of that, they’re harassing you? Nah, bro.
SarahJayneBritney − NTA and ask your mom why she cares about strangers more than you
One-Awareness4609 − NTA – it’s rude of them to assume that you’ll move out when it’s her BF who wants to move in. Stand your ground and tell her you understand, however as said previously you told her you were taking over the lease. Also inform your landlord in case she tries to kick you off the lease when it’s up for renewal
rbrancher2 − NTA. Stay put. Not your responsibility to help them save up for a wedding. She’s acting very entitled to an apartment that isn’t ‘hers’.
RevolutionaryCow7961 − NTA. Renew your lease. Your apartment, not theirs. Where they live is their problem.
Mr_Ham_Man80 − NTA. They’re well out of line here. It’s on thing to ask you, but they didn’t ask, it was a demand. Funny how everything is expensive and yet they’re happy to make it your problem when they’re the ones with the change of circumstances. Worth giving the landlord a heads up on this, especially if she tries to take a sneaky route of making stuff up about you to them.
Lylac-elixir − NTA, also you should let your landlord know about the harassment and make sure you have a full exterior type lock on your bedroom
Fifthelementsorcery − NTA, go to the landlord now and sign a new lease that excludes her and starts at the end of the 4 months. It is not too early and in 30 days have the landlord send her a letter as a reminder that the lease is up in 90 days and he would like to schedule an exit walk-through or whatever the lease conditions require.
If anyone keeps harassing you contact the police. Just because her and fiance want to save money doesn’t mean you leave your home to accommodate them that is a they problem not a you problem.
Hour-Performance-951 − NTA. Roommate wants something and has demanded it in a really entitled way. She, her fiancee, and their friends sound like nightmares.
Your mother’s attitude is a bit disappointing though. Perhaps you could suggest that if saving for roomie’s wedding is the priority, rather than you moving out, your mother could just make a financial contribution to the wedding fund?
Wild-Pie-7041 − NTA. Your roommate’s solution to it being too expensive for two people to find a place to live is to kick a single person out on their own? That’s laughable. Why can’t they live where the fiancé lives? Also, you lived there longer and gave her notice first.. Edit: spelling
Should the Redditor stand their ground and keep their apartment, or is it reasonable to prioritize the engaged couple’s needs? How would you handle this kind of housing dispute? Share your thoughts in the comments below.