AITA for refusing to move my car to help a woman enter her car when she parked outside the lines?


A Reddit user recounts a parking lot incident where he refused to move his car to help a woman enter her vehicle after she parked outside the lines. Despite parking within the lines himself, his wife later called him out for being unnecessarily petty. Read the original story below to see if his actions were justified or if he went too far.


‘ AITA for refusing to move my car to help a woman enter her car when she parked outside the lines?’

This just happened an hour ago. I (30M) went for some quick grocery shopping at a small grocery store. The parking lot is very small with only about 20 parking spots that are usually all taken.

As I was searching for a parking spot I saw that one was available and quickly realized why. Someone parked their car outside the lines occupying a small portion of the vacant parking spot.

I have a small car and realized I could still park there provided I get very close to the parked car, blocking their driver side door, allowing me to comfortably exit through my driver side door.

I want to emphasize that I parked completely within the lines. As I exited my car and headed towards the grocery store a woman (roughly 40F) called out to me and asked me to move my car so she can enter hers.

I told her that I parked within the lines and that she can enter her car through the passenger side door. She again asked me to move my car and I said no, turned around and enter the grocery store.

I then glanced outside to see her struggling to get inside her car and driving off (I wanted to make sure she doesn’t key my car or anything). I just want to mention that this woman seemed like she realized she screwed herself and wasn’t mean or pushy through out the whole ordeal.

As I got home, I enthusiastically told my wife about my pettiness but she said I was an a**hole for doing that and that I unnecessarily ruined this woman’s day. So reddit AITA for refusing to move my car?. ​

Lets dive into the reactions from Reddit:

coldascoffee −  NTA. Her p**s poor parking created the problem. Maybe she will try harder next time.

Milskidasith −  This is almost too minor to render a judgment, so I’m going to have to go NAH but ask you to reframe your thinking a bit. I prefer to assume the best of people, and in a small, cramped parking lot with limited spaces,

most of the time if somebody is over the line I’m going to assume that it was because of pressure from how the neighboring vehicles were parked when they got there, even if those vehicles have since left.

While it’s not great, it’s understandable that somebody wouldn’t risk scratching their vehicle or another to stay fully within the lines if somebody is already pushing over the line or whatever.

Given that, I would say that yeah, it’s probably easier to just back out and be polite to the lady and have a positive interaction than to leave yourself feeling like she’s some a**hole who parked badly and her feeling like you’re some j**kass who blocked her in after she already had to squeeze into her spot because some giant truck with extended mirrors was blocking her in, or whatever the case may have been.

DestructiveCinnamon −  Oh no the consequences of her own actions.. NTA

CressEast4537 −  Yes, YTA. You don’t know if other cars caused her to park out of the lines. And you were right there. You could have helped her out- you said she was perfectly pleasant with you.

OneMinuteSewing −  Unless you saw her park her car YTA. You have no way of knowing if she parked that way because the cars either side of her were parked badly. I’ve had this happen so many times… I arrive and the car park is really full.

There is a space but it has a big car badly parked on one side that means I have to park badly to fit into the space. I come back, the big car is gone and someone is giving me the side eye.

Odd_Trifle_2604 −  YTA, she was slightly over the line. She probably didn’t do it on purpose, and she asked you nicely to move before you even entered the store. You even acknowledge that the spaces are small.

So your parking extra close to the line means that you’ve pretty much done the same thing you’re upset with her for doing. You’ve made it difficult to park next to your car. I doubt you ruined her day, but it’s weird that being petty made your day.

MrsUnrulyFarms −  YTA. You took time to watch her struggle. Could have just as easily used that same time to back up a second. Why be an ahole just because the parking was off? Is that so awful that it ruined your ability to shop? No. Why are people so hellbent on making others pay for mistakes like this? It’s an inconvenience to you, not life changing.

vonnostrum2022 −  YTA. Why would you “ruin her day” over something so trivial as a parking spot? You’re probably the same guy who immediately speeds up to block someone from changing lanes. So she made a mistake and was kind of an AH herself. Can’t you just be nice? It’s so easy and would have taken 2 minutes. Unfortunately you are a microcosm of what is wrong with people today.

Wandering_aimlessly9 −  Nta. I did this to someone over handicapped spots. They parked in the zebra stripes. I parked in the handicapped spot (placard in place). Unfortunately I didn’t get out in time lol.

She started to come over to complain but saw the placard and threw a temper tantrum and got in the passenger door. It was kinda funny. (Zebra stripes are for wheelchairs and such…not “temporary parking.”

Amareldys −  YTA. You don’t know what the situation was like when she parked. Maybe she had to park badly because the next car over parked badly

Was the user right to stand his ground and not move his car, or should he have been more considerate and helped the woman? How would you handle a similar parking lot dilemma? Share your thoughts below!

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