AITA for Refusing to Let My Twin Daughters Walk Down the Aisle with My Sister’s Hyper Chihuahua?

A Redditor faced a family conflict when their sister demanded that her hyperactive Chihuahua, Rambo, walk down the aisle with the Redditor’s 5-year-old twin daughters as flower girls. The twins are terrified of Rambo due to his barking and snapping behavior.
Despite explaining this, the sister insisted Rambo was an essential part of her wedding and even threatened to exclude the twins—and their parents—from attending the event if they didn’t comply. The situation raises questions about balancing wedding expectations with the well-being of children. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for Refusing to Let My Twin Daughters Walk Down the Aisle with My Sister’s Hyper Chihuahua?’
My sister is getting married over MLK weekend, and she’s asked my 5-year-old twin daughters to be part of the wedding as flower girls. I was excited and so were the girls (she stupidly asked the girls before asking me and my wife).
After the girls had gone to sleep, she casually mentions that the girls would be walking down the aisle with Rambo, her fur baby (Chihuahua). She said that she already got a little tuxedo for Rambo to wear.
Here’s the issue: my girls are terrified of Rambo. He’s hyper and is always barking at them has even snapped a few times (not biting, but enough to scare them). One of the twins actually peed in her pants once when Rambo “was just trying to say hello.” I tried to explain this to my sister, but she insists that Rambo is the most important part of her special day.
Now, she’s told me that if the girls won’t participate with Rambo then they can’t come to the wedding at all. She says it’s her day, and promises that Rambo will be nice and that it will be so cute to see the girls dressed up with a “little man” in a tuxedo.
I think this is unfair and unreasonable. My girls are 5, scared of Rambo, and shouldn’t have to do something that terrifies them. But she’s calling me unsupportive and claims I’m being selfish for not helping her “vision” come to life.
AITA for refusing to let my daughters walk down the aisle with Rambo?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Thistime232 − NTA. And your sister isn’t really thinking this through, when her twin 5 year old nieces run away from the dog screaming in t**ror during the ceremony, it won’t be “cute.”
Educational_Gas_92 − Don’t worry, if this is real and the descriptions accurate, I foresee your sister will end up divorced either way. She sounds emotionally 13.
beachbum229 − NTA, got a bridezilla here. Your kids safety is way more important than her wedding. End of story. If she won’t let your kids go unless they are made unsafe then you can all just stay home and save money. I guarentee if you go and one of your kids gets bit or pees their pants or something you will wish you were home having a family game night instead.
pixie-ann − NTA I would pull the whole family out of the wedding if this is the stupid yappy snappy hill your sister has chosen to die on. Take the kids somewhere fun and keep their minds off their unbelievably selfish aunt.
MuffPiece − Why does she even want them to walk down the aisle with the dog if the girls are afraid of him? Kids are already fairly unpredictable, I don’t understand why the bride would be willing to add a hyper dog to the mix. You’re definitely NTA. Maybe suggest Rambo be walked down the aisle by someone else. The whole situation sounds like a recipe for disaster.
frauleinsteve − First off….chihuahua’s are awful crappy little shits. Not surprised this one is psychotic. Secondly….your sister is an awful crappy little s**t. Asking them without asking you first, and then banning your little girls from the wedding is just heinous. Not surprised she loves this s**tty little dog.
dognapperthrowaways − NTA. Its a lot to ask in general, but then for her to completely UNINVITE THEM because they’re scared of the dog is such a s**tty thing to do. She’s trying to punish you and them for not bending to her will. Also laughing my ass off at her promising he will behave like its a human child she can ask to be nice lmao. Hope the dog pisses on the officiant or something.
I’d be petty and not go at all now since she’s shown she only wants her nieces there either as props for her “perfect” day, or not at all. Disgusting
Similar-Traffic7317 − NTA. Don’t go to the wedding. If she cares more about her dog than her nieces, that is on her. Also, what is up with your sister asking your daughters before asking you? That is so DISRESPECTFUL and it would p**s me off.
GloomyComb5782 − NTA. And trust me, your 5 year olds don’t want to be at a wedding. It’s long and boring and you won’t be able to enjoy yourself either, so your sister’s suggestion that they don’t attend is a perfect idea. Most adults don’t want to be at a wedding. Children certainly don’t want to be and 5 year olds will barely remember any of it. While your sister is entitled to have the wedding she wants, it does not entitle her to make everyone else her “subjects”.
Tall-Negotiation6623 − NTA. If the dog normally doesn’t behave around them, it won’t suddenly start because it’s her wedding. Please don’t subject your twins to this chaos. Her “vision” is a fantasy and she’s more likely to get a pink unicorn to carry her train than her dog to not scare your twins.