AITA for refusing to let my parents take money out of my scholarship fund to pay for my younger brother’s summer camp?

A teenager (14M) recently earned a $3,500 scholarship for school expenses and extracurriculars, relieving financial strain on his family. However, his parents want to use part of the fund to send his younger brother (9M) to a specialized robotics summer camp.
Despite the camp qualifying under the scholarship’s rules, the boy feels it’s unfair to use money he worked hard to earn for someone else’s benefit. When he refused, his parents accused him of being selfish, and his brother became upset, straining family dynamics. read the original story below...
‘ AITA for refusing to let my parents take money out of my scholarship fund to pay for my younger brother’s summer camp?’
I (14M) recently received a scholarship ($3500) that covers a many of my school expenses and other things like supplies, and extracurricular activities. It was a big deal for me because I worked hard for it and won a competition, and it’s going to help take some financial pressure off my family.
The problem is, my parents are now saying they want to use some of the scholarship money to help pay for my younger brother (9M) to go to a specialized summer camp he really wants to attend. My brother is super into robotics and coding, and the camp is quite expensive.
I understand that they want to support him too, and my scholarship fund has specific rules which this qualifies for. But I feel like it’s unfair for them to use my hard-earned scholarship money for something unrelated to me. When I told them no, my parents got really upset.
They said that as a family, we should help each other out and that I’m being selfish. My brother also found out about it and now thinks I’m trying to stop him from doing something that’s important to him.
I feel bad because I know the camp would be great for him, but at the same time, I feel like I earned that money, and it’s not realyl meant for this. Now my parents are barely speaking to me, and my brother is mad too.
I wonder if maybe I am being selfish and could just let them use the money, but it doesn’t feel right to me.. AITA?
Check out how the community responded:
Fianna9 − NTA- I’m sorry your parents are pressuring you. But this is your scholarship and should be used to support you and your schooling. I’m actually very surprised they would be allowed to access it for another child. Are you sure this would be allowed or are your parents stretching the rules?
You shouldn’t have to share it at all, and honestly this money allows them to have more money to spend on your little brother anyways. They should not be pressuring you to share it. And I would be really nervous about them using it against the rules and causing you to loose it
McflyThrowaway01 − Unfortunately, this is likely a preview of the rest of your life, and you need to stand firm. “You’re selfish, Family should always help each other out.” And silent treatment. Classic manipulation and emotional abuse.
They think by guilt tripping you and giving you the silent treatment you will breakdown snd do anything to get them to talk to you again and be in their good graces. Call their bluff.
Also call the school and tell them you’re afraid that your parents are going to take the money and spend it on your brother and for them to hold onto it until you can find a trusted adult to help you open a bank account.
Just because the camp qualifies to be used with the funds from the scholarship, doesn’t mean he gets to use it. Money is for you, not him. You winning that scholarship means they have to pay less for your school supplies and activities, and it’s their responsibility to fund their kid’s activities, not yours.. NTA
Unhappy-Prune-9914 − NTA – They should not touch that money. Absolutely not. That is your money that you earned. Do they have access to it? If they steal it, report it to a teacher you trust at school.
SuperPookypower − The people who gave you the scholarship funds did so with the clear intent of supporting your studies, not sending your brother to robot camp. NTA
crmom22 − My family did this to me too. The school found out and I lost the scholarship. Do not give them the money!!!!. Nta
Snackinpenguin − NTA. That’s not what scholarships are for. They can be grateful as this is, that you are costing them less for your education. But they don’t get to take this money to send your brother to camp. They can find the camp money elsewhere. Hold firm.
UnlikelyPistachio − Never give away something you can’t live without. A future is something you can’t live without or compromise on.
OlieCalpero − NTA, if the scholarship fund randomly audits students and finds the scholarship money was spent on someone else you or your parents could have to pay it all back and you lose any other scholarship chances. Could jeopardize you going to your school too?
Munchkin-M − It is your parents job to provide for your brother, not yours. They
Ok_Purple766 − Well, why didn’t he get scholarship? If he works hard, he too can have all the funds to do all he likes. This is your reward. He can enter all the competitions and stuff, plenty of robotics competitions going around.
Family conflicts like this can be tough, especially when money is involved. What do you think about the situation? Share your thoughts below, and read the story to weigh in on the debate!