AITA for refusing to let my neighbor use my driveway after she’s been parking in it without asking?

A 30-year-old woman (OP) lives in a suburban neighborhood and has a double driveway for her and her husband’s cars. Over the past few months, her neighbor, Linda, who is in her late 50s, has repeatedly parked her car in OP’s driveway without asking.
After several warnings, OP got frustrated when Linda parked there again, especially when OP’s mother-in-law was visiting. OP confronted Linda, telling her to stop parking in the driveway, but Linda became defensive.
OP’s husband and even her MIL think she might have overreacted, but OP feels it’s her property and shouldn’t have to keep asking. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to let my neighbor use my driveway after she’s been parking in it without asking? ‘
So I (30F) live in a suburban neighborhood with my husband (32M). We have a double driveway that fits both of our cars comfortably, and we’ve lived here for about five years. Our next-door neighbor, let’s call her Linda, moved in a year ago.
She’s an older woman in her late 50s who seems friendly on the surface but has started to cause some issues. It started a few months ago when I came home and found her car parked in my driveway.
At first, I thought it was a mistake, so I knocked on her door to ask her to move it. She apologized, saying she had a guest over, and her driveway was full. I let it slide that time. But then it kept happening. I’d come home to find her car (or sometimes her guests’ cars) in my driveway.
I told her multiple times that it wasn’t okay, but she’d just shrug it off and move the car when I asked, often saying things like, “It’s not like you were using it right then.” The final straw happened last week.
My MIL (the one who isn’t exactly my biggest fan) was visiting, and I specifically asked her to park in the driveway so she wouldn’t block the street. When we came home from running errands, Linda’s car was there again.
MIL was already in a bad mood, and she snidely remarked, “Wow, even your neighbors walk all over you. I wonder why.” I was furious. I knocked on Linda’s door and told her that this was the last time she was parking in my driveway, period.
She got defensive, saying I was being unreasonable since she only does it “occasionally” and that it’s just a driveway, not a sacred space.
Since then, she’s started giving me the cold shoulder, and I’ve noticed her glaring at me whenever I’m outside.
My husband says I might’ve gone too far and should’ve just let it slide, especially since she’s older and it’s “not worth the drama.” Even my MIL (shockingly) agreed, saying that I should pick my battles.
But I feel like it’s my property, and I shouldn’t have to keep asking someone not to use it without permission. At the same time, maybe I overreacted by confronting her so harshly. So, AITA for refusing to let my neighbor park in my driveway and possibly escalating things?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
NOT_MEEHAN − NTA for setting a boundary, but might want to change your approach. That or have her car towed next time she does it and that will be the final nail in this coffin. Edit: OP updated she just towed her car lol.
Nanabanafofana − NTA Your neighbor is being a j**k. So is your husband. Does he ever complain because there’s no room in the driveway when he comes home?
I bet if he was inconvenienced enough times he’ll go have a talk with her or to the car. Old people don’t get a pass just because they’re old. This is coming from a 70-year-old woman.
Low_Echidna3042 − NTA. Linda knows what she is doing. Stand your ground and smile back and wave at her. Linda will never look at you again.
mrawild − Absolutely not, next time block her in…
Turmeric_Ping − NTA. Your neighbour was repeatedly causing you inconvenience by committing trespass on your property. She’s probably acted this way all her life, and made it a condition of having a cordial relationship with her that she be allowed to get away with things like this.
You don’t need a cordial relationship with her as much as you need exclusive use of your driveway. tldr: s**ew her and the horse she rode in on.
savinathewhite − NTA. Tell her next time it will be towed. Then have it towed. Then ignore her – it’s nice to be friendly with neighbors, but some people are AHs and it can’t be helped.
Or you could randomly start parking in *her* driveway and see how she likes it. I’m in my 50’s and would never park on someone’s property without permission. Because it’s bloody *rude*.
Bobsmith38594 − NTA. OP, next time Linda parks on your property, you should immediately call the tow truck. Do not try to “keep the peace” by allowing Linda free rein on your property. Good fences make for good neighbors.
Her want doesn’t constitute an obligation on your part. You have no obligation to allow ANYONE to use your property without your consent. Your MIL and husband need to grow a spine and stop letting an entitled grifter boss them around.
Novaer − Your husband is a meek ass mother fucker. Can’t stand up to his neighbour or his mom? Typical.. NTA
JanetInSpain − Your husband is WRONG. Is he a doormat? How did expecting your neighbor to stay out of your driveway “going too far”? Your MIL is wrong too. It’s YOUR property and your neighbor is preventing you from using it.
Put up a sign at the end of the driveway that says “private parking — violators will be towed” or somesuch. Then if she parks there again, HAVE HER CAR TOWED. Don’t call her or give her warning. She already knows she’s not supposed to park there.
GrizzRich − NTA It’s your space, your permission is required. If she feels you’re being unfair, she can try parking again and see how she feels about paying the impoundment fees when you get it towed.
Was OP justified in standing up for her property rights, or did she overreact by confronting her neighbor so harshly? What would you have done in this situation? Share your thoughts below!
For those who want to read the next part :