AITA for refusing to house my best friend’s dog while she’s on vacation?

A Reddit user shared their dilemma about refusing to care for their best friend’s high-energy, untrained dog while she’s away on vacation. Despite offering alternatives and even financial help for a kennel.
The refusal caused tension between them, leading to guilt and second-guessing their decision. Read the full story below to decide if their stance was fair.
‘ AITA for refusing to house my best friend’s dog while she’s on vacation? ‘
My (28F) best friend Rachel (30F) asked me last week if I could watch her dog, Max, for two weeks while she and her boyfriend go on a luxury vacation. Max is a sweet dog, but he’s high-energy, not properly trained, and has a habit of chewing on furniture and shoes.
I’ve had Max over once before when Rachel visited my place, and he caused quite a bit of chaos—he chewed through my couch cushion and left scratches on my wooden floors. I also live in a small apartment, and managing Max alongside my demanding work-from-home schedule would be a huge challenge.
When Rachel brought it up, I politely declined and explained that my current setup isn’t ideal for a high-energy dog. I suggested she look into a pet-sitting service or a kennel, even offering to help cover a portion of the cost since I know money is tight for her right now.
She didn’t take it well, saying I should want to help her out as a best friend and that Max would feel abandoned if he was left at a kennel.
Since then, Rachel has been distant and has made a few passive-aggressive remarks about how she “can’t count on me when it matters.”
Some mutual friends have even weighed in, saying I’m being too rigid and could make it work “if I really wanted to.” I feel bad for saying no, but I also feel like I’m setting a boundary to protect my space and peace of mind. Now, I’m wondering if I should’ve just sucked it up and agreed to help her out.. AITA?
Check out how the community responded:
AlliterativeAss − If Rachael can’t afford to board her dog, she can’t afford to go on vacation. It’s as simple as that. Pet care is part of the cost of leaving town, and her pet is 100% her responsibility. Looks like she needs to learn to save up more before making commitments
Accurate_Prompt_8800 − NTA. I wonder if your friend ever paid up for the damages caused last time you looked after her dog?. It’s a no from me.
Accurate_Prompt_8800 − NTA. It’s her dog, you owe her nothing. You explained your reasons and she shouldn’t be questioning that.
She should cough up and put it in a kennel if she needs it looked after. Or your AH friends that are saying you are in the wrong should offer to take it themselves!
maggiemaxfield − No, and it’s m**ipulative of her to try to get mutual friends to gang up.. NTA
ForwardPlenty − Not everyone is set up to handle a dog, especially a high energy, not very well trained dog. You are NTA for saying no. Most dog owners have a pet service, a kennel or sitter vetted so that they have someone else to take care of the dog for vacations or emergency.
Her lack of planning is not your problem and she is not a good friend for trying to guilt trip you into doing something you aren’t comfortable doing.
theworldisonfire8377 − Do you have pictures of the damage he did last time? If you do, I’d send the pics in a group chat to the flying monkeys and tell them that this is why, and if they have an issue with your stance, they can take him in if they care so much. You are well within your rights to say no to a destructive and untrained dog. NTA.
GinnjaNinnja − NTA. You need to set a boundary and you did. If you took the dog, he’d cause big issues, as that’s already been proven. That would create a lot of resentment and a bigger issue between you two than is created now. If some mutual friends are telling you you’re too rigid then maybe they should offer to help.
MAMidCent − NTA. Dogs can have a blast at a kennel with lots of playtime included. If any of your friends give you any lip, then tell them they can host the dog for Rachel. The alternative is to have someone house-sit so at least Max is in his own space. Again, any of these other mutual friends are welcome to volunteer.
redelectro7 − Why would you offer to give her money because ‘money is tight’ for her when she’s going on a luxury vacation? This has got to be fake.
lookingformiles − NTA. Max will feel abandoned because she’s abandoning him. None of this is your problem to solve though. If she acts like it is, she’s a s**t friend and a s**t person and you’re well rid of her.
Was the Reddit user right to prioritize her personal boundaries, or should she have made the effort to help her best friend, despite the challenges? How do you handle balancing friendship with personal limits? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!