AITA for refusing to help my stepmother and stepsister?

A Redditor shared their frustration with their stepmother and stepsister, who have been emotionally demanding and critical of them over the years. Despite this tension, the family recently asked for help accessing sports streams, which the Redditor refused to share.
The Redditor feels it’s not their responsibility to assist, especially given the strained relationship. Read the full story below to see how they handled this family dilemma.
‘Â AITA for refusing to help my stepmother and stepsister?’
So my dad met this woman after he divorced my mom 12 years ago. I was never really introduced to her and her daughter so I don’t have a bond with them. The problems started after I was around them for the first time.
They both are very emotional while my dad and I are the opposite. My dad changes his personality for her but I don’t. I just don’t see the reason why. My stepmother and her daughter can’t handle my personality and complain to my dad about me.
They both don’t have the guts to actually talk to me because that “would hurt their feelings”. The stepmom also did some unaceptalbe things to me in the past while my dad didn’t do anything about it.. (Yes, I would say I hate them)
Now they recently got into sports and want to watch it. My country doesn’t show it in free TV so I found myself some websites. My father, every time we watch, wants me to share my websites with them but I refuse to tell them. All they have to do is a little research themselves. So AITA?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
EJ_1004 − NTA. Your step Mom is an adult and shouldn’t be so immature and jealous (read your comment in a reply). While I understand why you would seek not to have a relationship with this woman, the only person you’re punishing is your Dad.
If you still like/love him enough, please start being cordial with step mom and sis. You absolutely don’t have to go out your way for anything but don’t do anything to purposely antagonize them. Their issues, unless they bring them directly to you, can go unaddressed.
When you’re older, and you have your own place, please feel free to do as you please. But while living with your Dad, and the emotional vampires he chose, be stealthy, silent, and enjoy your time with your Dad. Play chess not checkers. Step Mom already looks bad, you don’t need to do anything to add to it.
Share the site, enjoy in person games with just your Dad. Share more vacation photos when they ask and be pleasant about it, not your fault they can’t afford such a trip. Let them complain to your Dad, he appears to be on your side and is not going to make you apologize so you don’t need to lift a finger to deal with that.
Stop letting them bother you. They sound like the kind of people that makes themselves, and those around them, miserable without any help. Instead of viewing them as a source of irritation you could turn them into entertainment (what will x be bothered over next).
Accomplished_Mud1658 − Welcome to the “my parent rather to get laid than take care of me” club. It’s not a fun club. In this situation, your dad is the trash. He’s repeatedly choose some woman than you. Honestly it’s best for you detach from him.
He’s never going take your back. He’s never going to love you. And the only moment would be to walking down the aisle cuz he wants recognize for you life that he made very difficult. You’re in a one side relationship with him and didn’t realize it.
Expert_Slip7543 − Here’s my intuitive summary (including info from comments): When OP was around 8 years old, Stepmother (SM) & her daughter moved up to a higher social class by SM poaching OP’s Dad from his marriage.
Due to this situation SM suffers fierce insecurities and jealousies, causing her to act in obnoxious ways that made any relationship with OP impossible. SM & daughter gained an interest in sports to intrude on OP’s bond with her father over sports.
Now OP is refusing to facilitate their effort to join her free watching of sports online. One, because it’s more of their same jealous intrusive behavior. And two, because those twats can afford to pay for it since they’ve grabbed the family wealth whereas OP cannot afford it thanks to them. NTA!. Is this a fair assessment, OP?
[Reddit User] − NTA. It’s a power play. Any of these people can just search, including your father, who’s a j**k for bringing them and keeping them around despite that they’re terrible. They’ll be fine.
EquivalentBend9835 − Petty, I like it.
Time-Bee-5069 − NTA
AutoModerator − ^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything.
glenmarshall − NTA. You might send them a search expression from Google that will help them find it, but don’t get involved in a conversation.
Judgement_Bot_AITA − OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a**hole: I might be TA here because it would cost me nothing to just share a link.
But for me it’s not about that but the bigger picture behind it. I want nothing to do with them and yet they keep appearing in my life.. Help keep the sub engaging!.
Own-Management-1973 − Tell these nosey ghouls f**k all.
Do you think the Redditor was wrong for not sharing the sports streaming sites with their stepmother and stepsister, given the past issues? How would you handle being asked to help family members you don’t have a close relationship with? Share your thoughts below!